the meeting.

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"Fuck me." Parker said quietly. She was still ahold of Peter both of them frozen except for Parker's high blood pressure.

She thought mutant superheroes would be the end but no, Norse God aliens were a thing. Seeing was a different ball game from actually believing.

"No thanks." Peter whispered even if he couldn't make his feet move he could still make a joke. Parker would have punched him arm but she couldn't hear him as blood seemed to rush to her ears and a silence she had craved engulfed her. 

She couldn't take her eyes off the action; she had seen violence, a lot actually but never at this scale. Half inside and half outside the penthouse and they were engrossed. It was the same anxiety she felt before, it was paralysing. 

Thankfully Peter finally found his senses and dived with his sister behind a nearby sofa. He was not taking any chances. Parker regained a bit of her senses when she hit the ground and her first instinct was to run back to the stairs. She wretched herself free from Peter and crawled an inch closer to freedom, she was stopped by Peter just when the metallic scraping of a hammer slid past her and smashed the wall behind her. 

Parker's eyes went wide before being dragged back by Peter.  The siblings were breaking and entering a millionaire's penthouse whilst an alien attack was being held of my superheroes and Gods. The option of not getting involved had passed them by a long time ago.

Peter put a finger to his lips and braved a look above the sofa. He watched the Gods and wondered who he should be rooting for; Loki with the sceptre and the sly grin or Thor with his brute strength and snarl on his face. 

He was drawn out of his own trance by his sister, "Get back here!" The malicious was there even in the whisper. Peter ducked back down and they waited for the noise to die down. 

This time they both cautiously looked together, they were alone, except of course, whatever on Earth was invading it.

"Shit Peter." Parker exclaimed as she slided back to the ground and  ran her hands through her hair.

"You got that right." Peter was standing, mesmerized by the scene unfolding in front of him.

"This was a mistake." Parker muttered into her hands. Everything was, going to the Tower, leaving India, heck even going to India in the first place.

"No," The boy furrowed his eyes at Parker, they weren't going to be defeated not now, not when they were so close,  "It wasn't. You're so close to seeing Dr Banner. I wouldn't call that a mistake." He knelt down in front of his sister and it felt weird, the roles reversed. 

"He told me to forget about him. I should have listened. I would hate for anyone I know to be involved in this," Maybe Bruce did love her, she thought, he didn't like uncalculated risks or dangers. He was protecting her, he just did it in the worst way possible. 

Parker then saw how Peter's focus, however hard he tried to keep it on his sister was on the outside world and he had that same expression he always had as a child. It could have been mistaken for excitement but it was a sense of a duty, "You are staying right here."

"What? But I can help." He half ran to the window, well, the hole where the window was once. 

"No," The women's shoes crunched over the broken glass as she stood up and followed him, "This isn't some game. I won't let you go out there."

"It's not like I'm going in blind, I have superpowers for crying out loud."

"Superpowers you can't fully control yet." Parker heard Bruce's tone in the way she talked.

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