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"God it's hot." Peter seemed to have adopted a new catchphrase since stepping off the plane.

"We know Peter, it's India. Just be grateful it's not raining. When it rains, it rains." Cathy had answered at first. Now whenever he feels the need to comment Cathy simply replies, "Hot damn."

"Very funny." Peter rolled his eyes, although the heat wasn't very amusing to him as he tried to stop his long hair from sticking to the back of his neck and forehead.

It was bliss for her almost as if she never left the continent. She swore she could even feel the tan on her skin coming back.

"You should tie it up," She told her brother as she walked up the outside stairs to her old medical practise.

It was strange to come back to a place after you've changed, she had felt the same way coming back to New York. But this felt better as she knew who was waiting for her on the other side of the door, "Your hair that is," She opened it, "Trust me it's better."

"Or you could just cut it Peter. Works for me." Bruce Banner told the teen as he swivelled on his chair to face two of his favourite people in Calcutta.

That was it, Cathy thought, the sight in front of her was what had kept her going, Finally. This was home. Bruce took of his glasses and bit the end of them.

"No way..." Peter thought for a second and looked between the pair, "Sir."

Bruce laughed, it was deep and echoed around the room as Cathy sat on her desk and ran a finger along the wood.

"Sir? How old do you think I am?" Bruce asked.

Peter opened his mouth but Cathy beat him to it, "Don't answer that Peter," She stood up and walked up behind Bruce, "He doesn't have a filter." She told him as she leaned on the back of his chair.

"He's a lot like you then." Bruce looked behind him with a grin as he scratched the stubble on his cheeks. Cathy noticed the very first flecks of grey mixing with the black, stress, she thought. She wouldn't be surprised if she found some as well.

"Wrong answer." The women whispered and kicked his chair sending him spinning over the other side of the room.

Peter watched as Bruce glided towards him, "Did she ever do that to you?" The Doctor asked pointing over his shoulder, "Because she does that to me a lot."

"Well..." Peter grinned, as his sisters smile faded away, "Yes and no. I used to just get shoved on the sofa-"

"Once." Cathy interjected quickly as Bruce spun around to see her

"Occasionally on the trampoline," Peter continued, crossing his arms and liking watching the horror play out on Cathy's face, "Depends if it was a weekday or not."

"You absolute liar Peter Parker." She told him plainly and walked over to the pair.

"Don't know sounds quite truthful to me," Bruce contributed, "I mean I could imagine it." He added the wink for good measure.

"You just need to stop bouncing on sofas," She nodded at Peter, who gave a nod of affirmation, it was true (although he did stop after he broke it for the second time), "And you," She put one foot on the wheel of Bruce's chair, "Well, I don't want you to stop."

Cathy was hoping for Bruce to say something sweet but Bruce Banner replied in the only way he knew how.

"Good because I love this wheelie chair."

Peter only just avoided getting pinned to the wall by said wheelie chair carrying a very amused Bruce Banner.

"Wrong move Banner."

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