Mission #1 Trip Em Up

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Chapter 2

Maddie's POV

I woke up to the sound of my sister, Jessica, bustling around in her morning routine.

I often wished I were as organized as Jessica. She was the girl with a thing to do at every exact moment and rarely got off schedule. However, when I woke up nothing was planned. Jessica laid out the perfect outfit the night before, while I slipped into sweatpants 5 minutes before we left. She curled her hair into a perfect swirly picture, while I pulled my hair back in a pony-tail. She made herself bacon and pancakes the same way each day, but I grab a cheese stick on my way out the door. I can't imagine at the same time how she could live life so blandly.

She whistled a happy tune that I couldn't decide the name of and turned on the shower.

I had decided what I saw last night was real and waited for Jessica to disappear in the blazing hot shower before taking action. I reached over until my fingers wrapped around Jessica's sparkly phone case and greedily viewed her most recent text messages, sure enough her conversation with mom was there. I quickly got rid of the proof I had been there and lazily turned on my side to give the impression I had fallen asleep.

Now I was certain that my sister was hiding something from me, not to mention my very own mother. My mind raced with uncertainty and I heard my sister step out of the shower. I shut my eyes just in time for her to pick up a pillow and throw it in my direction. "Wake up lazy!" 

I turned over and tried to make a groan sound believable.

"You better hurry, or you'll get off schedule!" I said throwing my hands to the sides of my cheeks in fake disbelief. She rolled her eyes and stepped aside to show me a list with times next to them. 

" I built in time," she winked, I squinted to try to read her small, yet neat, handwriting. Sure enough, 'Wake Buddy up.' Was written in the 9:50-9:55 slot . Buddy was the nickname solely my sister gave me, when I was younger.

The name had come from my imaginary best friend I called Buddy. Buddy was like a selfless, pretty, sweet, and organized version of me. My family continued to tease me about my childishness I still held in my simple and frail body.

I swung my feet off the bed till they touched the ground. A chill crawled up my spine. The details of the dream lingered in my mind, but I tried my hardest to shake them off. I pushed past my sister and let my feet lead me to the kitchen where my nose danced at the lovely smell of cinnamon floating in the air.

I followed my nose to the oven to see Cinnamon Buns growing in the oven. I danced in my shoes with delight, this was my favorite breakfast.

"Just for you Mads," my mom rubbed the top of my head making my already tangled hair mingle with more strands to knot up. I blew the bangs that had fallen into my eyesight away, but failed and used my hand to push the remaining pieces of hair away.

I sat down and took a large bite into the previously made cinnamon rolls. I smiled and swallowed, thoroughly enjoying the sweet taste fall down my throat. 

"Hey Mads," my 14 year old brother, Jake walked by and ruffled my already ruffled hair. I frowned and continued my previous actions of attempting the blow the hair out of my face.

Mads was more of the universal nickname everybody used around me.

"Why does this family love my hair?"'I groaned and grabbed a second roll off the kitchen bar.

"Maybe if you brushed it like Jessica," Jake teased and I glared at him. 

"How is it possible that Jessica and I are related, we're polar opposites!" I laughed and saw Jake laughed hesitantly.

I swear I saw my mom tense up, but I wasn't quite sure.

"Maddie sweetie, want to go to the spa today?" My mom used my first name for the first time in a while. I wondered why she was being so nice to me today, but assumed it had to do with the secret.

It was time to start Mission 1. Jessica would be the easiest to crack so I licked my fingers and skipped upstairs.

Mission 1

Trip Em Up.

If they weren't going to tell me, I could catch them. My feet pattered on the wooden floor as I ran up the steps to Jessica's room.

"Hey Jessie, wanna watch tv with me?" I wandered over to her bed and she shrugged.

"What show?" She asked shutting the top of her MacBook and leaning back into the pillows.

"I was thinking Pretty Little Liars," I put the slightest bit of emphasis on Liars and watched her tense up.

"You watch that show?" She questioned and I shrugged although I hated it because it was too eery for my liking.

"I guess I love the secrets behind it, can you imagine somebody keeping something that BIG from you, and you're clueless?" She pulled up Netflix on her MacBook, taking her time. I assumed she had hoped something would interrupt us as she shifted nervously and clicked on the most recent episode as the theme song boomed on.

"Got a secret, can you keep it?" I sang lightly under my breath, thoroughly enjoying my sister's worry. "Maddie! Spa time!" My mom called quickly before I was even close to getting Jessica to spill.


I sighed at my failure and slumped downstairs. "Bye Jessie,"

Mission 1, was a fail, but I intended to find out what the whole family was hiding from me.

But soon, I'd wish I didn't.

Authors Note- 7 votes for more! Should I continue though?:(

I'm sorry this is such a bad chapter, it gets better because she finds out what the secret is soon!

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