The Letter

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Chapter 7

Maddie's POV

"Maddie it's been 3 hours please come out of your room!" my mother begged from outside my bedroom doors. "I'm good! After all you waited 14 years to tell me you've been lying to me. A few years in here won't hurt right?" I snapped and fell back on my bed. "Ugh!" my mom groaned from outside the doors. "What's the problem Mrs.S?" I heard another voice out the door. I groaned as I realized the voice belonged to Kale. "I think it'd be better if Maddie told you herself." my mother sighed and walked down the halls. I looked in the mirror to see my face was still red and blotchy. My eyes were puffy and bloodshot from hours of hysterical crying. I looked hideous.

 "Maddie can you please let me in?" Kale tugged on the doorknob, to find it was locked. "I don't want to talk to anybody!" I yelled as more tears ran down my face, but I had run out of tissues a while ago. I sniffled in defeat and made my way to the door.

  I unlocked the knob and Kale burst through. "Oh my god Maddie! You look awful!" Kale hut the door quickly and turned to face me with a look of sincerity written across his face. "Gee thanks, that's just what every girl dreams to hear from a guy." I frowned and sat on my bed, my negativity slowly fading. "Maddie, you know that's not what I meant." he sighed and sat next to me. "What's the matter?" 

"The matter is that my parents kept the biggest secret from me my entire life!" I cried as tears rolled down my cheeks and it began to become more and more difficult to speak. "Oh Maddie, please don't cry!" Kale frowned, unsure on how to help. He quickly wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in closely so that I could bury my head into his chest. 

"What, may I ask, was the secret?" he rubbed my back so I could attempt to talk through my constant stuttering. "I-I-that I- oh just read this." I pulled myself apart from his comforting grip and went to my desk to get him the letter I had discovered in my mother's room. "Here," I handed him the envelope and wiped a few stray tears off my face with my sweater. "Read it, out loud?" he asked as I replied with a shrug.

"Dear Madison Nicole,

  When you read this you'll be living with one of my friends, who I know fairly well, that chose to adopt you. She has two children that I assume you'll get along with well and live a happy life in a decent family. As for your father and I, not so much. Mads, the day you were born was truly the happiest day from my life, but when you were almost one and a half, I discovered I was once again pregnant. Your father and I already had a low income salary and began to argue frequently. When two people argue a lot, bad things tend to happen. We couldn't afford two children, we could barely pertain to you. We made the tough decision to put you up for adoption, but only to friends who your father and I knew, but when that failed, we put you up for adoption and made sure it was a lovely home before we would drop you off. Mads, we love you and want to see you again. Please when you find the right time, come find me. I love you with all my heart, stay strong Madison.

        With Love,

                 Your mother, Melissa Z."

Kale finished reading the note, but the exact words were already burned into my brain. "Oh Maddie! Your adopted? I'm so sorry they never told you." he ran back over towards me an engulfed me in a large hug. "They left my this too," I held up a silver necklace I had found in the bottom of the envelope, that I now wore proudly around my neck. 

"Kale, I want them so badly. There's so much I need to learn about myself! Why do my eyes seem like they change colors each season? Why does silence irritate me? Why am I so gifted at dancing?" I cried as more and more questions built up in my mind. "What do you mean silence irritates you?" he asked as I recalled the night a few weeks ago, when I had woken up from my dream and gone to visit Jessica. When I had gotten out of bed, the hollow house ran of pure silence and I ran quickly to Jessica. It wasn't the first time I had noticed my strange disliking towards the lack of sound, but it was noticeable then."I just- I just don't like it ok?" I frowned as Kale realized he had upset me further.

"Hey wait a second, what's all this eraser mark by her name?" he pointed at her signature. Just seeing her name made my heart throb. "Kaaaaalllleeee!" I whined and ripped the note from his grasp. I tossed the letter back towards my desk and fell face forward into my comforting bed. "What did I do this time?" he teased and poked my back, knowing I was extremely ticklish. I burst into a sudden fit of laughter and contracted my knees to my chest. I quickly sat up with a frown. I scrunched up my face and crossed my arms in a poutful position. "Don't make me laugh, I'm trying to be miserable."

"Well maybe you shouldn't try so hard small fry." he smirked and pulled me off my bed. "Don't you wanna be happy?" he teased. "Yeah, but how can I be happy when I don't even know who I really am?" I felt more tears forming behind my eyes. "Hey! You were happy before, and you can be happy now too. Life is a road, sometimes people may make the wrong turn, but they always find a way to get back on track and reach their destination. So what? Your parents made a wrong turn, you just have to be the one to get them back on track. You have to take control of your own future, but remember, it's always okay not to always be okay." Kale smiled, somehow I liked the poetic side of him. "Look for the brighter way." he winked, making me smile.

~It's okay not to always be okay, because it will be someday, if you look the brighter way.~

"Maddie, can you open up now?" my mother reappeared outside my door. I glared towards the door as Kale's eyebrow lifted. "Madison, don't hold grudges now." he wagged his finger at me teasingly. I groaned and walked to the door. I unlocked it quickly and opened it to see my mom's face was almost as red and blotchy as mine. There's nothing worse than seeing your mom cry. "I-I'm sorry Maddie." she hugged me and I looked back to see the rest of my family waiting behind her. "Mom." I said firmly as I pulled away from her. I still wasn't ready to forgive any of them. "I want to find my parents."

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