Mission #3 Rummage

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Chapter 6

The worst feeling in the world is waking up one morning and knowing there's something you've got to do. Maddie waited all week, postponing the day she would result to her last mission to discover the truth. Now as Monday rolled around she realized she could no longer hold back her fear, and would have to ransack her mother's room to see what information she could find. 

Maddie raced through the school hallways until she finally came to the car rider's line. "Maddie wait!" her brother's voice called from behind. "Kale's riding home with us, so you get front." Jake pushed his sister towards the car door eagerly. Maddie rolled her eyes and climbed into the front seat. "How was your day sweetie?" her mother smiled nicely. "It was fine, but why's he coming home with us?" Maddie teased and turned backwards to face Kale and Jake. She and Kale had grown pretty close over the past few weeks and were pretty much best friends. Jake often got jealous, but Maddie chose to ignore his bitterness. 

"Because he is hanging out with me, and let me clarify, not you." Jake smirked smugly as they rolled into their driveway. "Maddie honey why don't you go upstairs and get ready for dance." Maddie's mother suggested as Maddie found the perfect loophole to put her plan into action. "Yeah sure! But I think I may have left my bun kit up in your bathroom, I'll be ready in a jiff!" she smiled and hopped out of the car. 

Maddie ran quickly up the steps and into her room, she changed into a crop top and booty shorts and pulled her hair up into a high pony. She smiled at herself in the mirror and admired how nicely her hair had fallen into place. She opened her closet cautiously, knowing that she wasn't the neatest person in the world and there was a 50/50 chance an avalanche lay behind the double doors. She breathed a brief sigh of relief and found her dance company jacket. Once she shut the closet doors she began taking slow deep breaths.

Mission #3


Was a go.

She crept silently down the hall and found her mother's bedroom at the end of the hall. She heard a faint humming from further down the hall and quickly ran inside. The humming grew louder and she scurried into the bathroom. Her mom walked in happily and went inside her closet, giving Maddie enough time to search the bathroom. 

She ran over to her mother's sink and opened the three drawers attached. The first one contained simple hair-care products like conditioner and shampoo bottles. She shut the drawer quietly and proceeded to the second only to face a mass of hairbrushes and combs. Finally the third drawer was opened, but another failure followed as Maddie saw toothpaste and toothbrushes that her mom used daily. The humming turned into whistling as Maddie's mom walked into the bathroom. "Maddie, what on earth are you doing?" Her mother's face fell into a worried, sharp look as Maddie scrambled to her feet. "Like I said, still looking for that bun kit!" she smiled weakly and received a returning grin from her mom. 

"Keep looking, I'll start dinner downstairs." her mom disappeared around the corner as Maddie went to her dad's sink and sadly failed once again, to uncover any information. She sulked back into her parents' bedroom and sat on the bed in defeat. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye she almost saw her mother's bedside table shine briefly. 'What in the world?' Maddie thought for a moment and quickly ran over to the nightstand. Maddie sighed and tugged on the first drawer, but it was locked. Curiously, Maddie stood up and decided to look for a key to the drawer. Oddly enough, the drawer didn't really have a keyhole, just an empty circle in the middle of the wooden piece. 

After realizing there was no way to force the drawer open, Maddie had an idea. If she could only find an object with a perfect circumference, then maybe the drawer would open! With a newly found courage, Maddie ran back into the bathroom and found her father's sink. She recalled an oddly large toothbrush that had a perfect circle at the very end of the cylinder-like brush. She tore open drawers until her hands found the brush she was looking for. 

Maddie smiled and ran back into her parents' bedroom. She kneeled down to the first drawer and pushed the toothbrush's circular end in the hole. The brush was a little small, but somehow, when Maddie had turned it, the drawer unlocked. Maddie gasped and pulled the drawer open. She looked inside to see a small stack of books, a phone charger, her mother's old pair of glasses, and a toy wand from Harry Potter World. Maddie sighed in defeat and picked up the first book, but her eyes weren't looking at the cover because a pure white envelope lay underneath the first book. 

Maddie let a second gasp escape her mouth and quickly grabbed the envelope. Her name was sprawled across it and now Maddie was overjoyed! Certainly this had to do with her reoccuring dreams!

Maddie's hands fumbled to open the envelope, but eventually she had ripped it open and began to read.

As her eyes scanned the page, her heart fell. She tried to stand, but her knees felt weak and buckled under her weight. This wasn't real.It couldnt be! Maddie fell to the floor with a thud, but it was all too real.

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