20: One Day Closer

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I think if I wanted too I could get all these parts out today, but I'm sure I'd get bored and everyone would think it went by too fast. I'm also pretty sure Lies had basically won as the next story to get finished, cause I had other places I go on to vote and well Lies won by a land slide. So that leaves Seattle to get finished last :P

Grenade - Bruno Mars


7 Days

At school the next day I was sticking to Zane, as if he was my life line. I'm sure he noticed I was acting different, but he didn't say anything. I was also pretty sure Lena saw what I was doing and didn't come around as much, I was kinda thankful for that.

Claire on the other hand didn't get the memo, and was trying to talk to Zane every chance she got. Allie also seemed to be trying to get her away every time too. Also noticed Holden was going around like a man whore. I made it a mission to make Allie see what he was doing and she was going to know at Halloween.


"Do you wanna go pick out Halloween costums with me?" I asked Zane.

"Thought you had what we were going to go as." Zane said.

"No, I haven't really thought about it actually. Lena is forcing Zeek to go as Tarzan, while she's Jane." I informed.

Zane took a breath for a second and then Zeek sat down in front of him looking grumpy, and he kinda lost he. I never knew the boy could laugh that hard, he would have fallen out of his seat if I hadn't caught his hoodie by the side. Zeek looked at me, and I looked back as my boyfriend laughed his ass off.

"You told him...." Zeek stated.

"Was I not suppose too?" I asked.

"Now he's not going to live me down." He sighed.

"If he brings it up anytime soon he's going as Peter Pan, green tights and all." I threatened, making sure Zane heard me.

That shut him up in a instant and he was back to eating his lunch, though his shoulders would shake with silent laughter now and again. Zeek gave me a thankful smile as Lena sat down, with a costume magazine in her hands.

"I thought you picked us one." Zeek whined.

"I did but there are different versions of it." Lena said.

Pulling the top of the magazine down I looked at her choices and pointed to the second one. She smiled happily at me and closed the book, I took it from her and started looking through it my legs in Zane's lap. He was drawing circles around my ankle as I looked.

Little Mermaid & The Prince. No.

Peter Pan & Tinker Bell. No.

Tarzan & Jane. Can't do.

Beauty & The Beast. No.

Batman & Catwomen. No.

I practically slapped the book closed and past it back to Lena, no longer wanting to look at the things they had. It wasn't my taste or Zane's. The bell rung and we all headed to the last class of the day.


Zane shuffled behind me as I looked at all the options for costumes. The store Freaky Halloween wasn't really crowded, but I was sure it would be later in the week. I past the she devil, and devil someone always did that every year. I past the nurse and doctor cause I didn't want to look that slutty.

I stopped at two very very perfect costumes. Happily picking out my size I looked over at Zane, he smirked at the choice I made and got out his size and took mine.

"Hey." I gasped.

"I'm paying for them Miss Thing." He replied.

With a turn of his body he headed toward the cashier, as I looked at the boots I would need. I was for sure going to buy these, not Mister Money Bags either. Once I found the right ones for the outfit I grabbed a pair of the shoes he would need for his own outfit and went to the cashier on the other side of Zane.

He noticed of course and gave me a look, I just smiled at him like I didn't do anything and paid for the shoes. I went to Zane and leaned up pecking his lips softly.

"I love you." I told him.

"I love you too." He said.

I smiled as we walked out of the store. I didn't really notice Claire and his ex, off to the left of us. Both having heard us. One of them was seething in anger, while the other wasn't sure she wanted to go through with the plan anymore.


"Oh that is going to be so cute." Mary squealed.

I had just told her what Zane and I were going to be when we got to my house and saw her there. Zane was in the living room with Jay and Calvin watching football and shouting at the tv.

"I will never get men and football." My mom swore.

My sister and I laughed, while helping her with dinner for everyone to eat together. We were having baked chicken, green beans, mash potatoes and gravy, corn, biscuits, and apple pie for desert.

"Come and get it." My mom called.

Three growling stomachs answered her call, then running feet. Zane and Jay bursted in to the room and took their seats. Calvin came in shaking his head, and kissed my mother on her cheek then sat down beside her.

After we were sure everyone was situated, we dug in to the food happily. The conversation never stopped, and no one brought up the ticket that was up in my room right now. I was thankful for that, I wanted to tell Zane when I was ready in the next few days.

That night I fell beside Zane panting and kissing his chest after hours of love time, as I've come to call it to myself. Both of our pants filled the air as we laid comfortably against each other. Zane turns on his side and wrapped his arm around my waist, kissing my lips.

"I love you and always will Sage." He promised.

I looked up at him and then kissed him for all I was worth.

"I love you and always will too Zane. You are the keeper of my heart." I told him.

"You've been mine since the moment I laid eyes on you the second day of school." He whispered to me.

I turned and snuggled in to his chest and slowly began to fall asleep to his heart beat, as he tucked me against him.

"I won't ever part ways with you, ever." He vowed softly.

But I was already asleep and didn't hear him. The things that are there and are said without you noticing, are always the things that can always make up your mind.

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