25: Hot As Ice

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Soooo I've been updating alot recently @.@ I'm determind to finish this story this week. Have 5 parts left after this one :] I'm excited to put Sage and Zane's relationship down for a little bit so everyone can calm down from the drama that is appearing in these last few parts. As a little hint I have yet to put the icing on the cake, and I think everyone will be shocked for it too. I'm thinking I'm going to change my name tomorrow to when I wake up, so that way when I update again I'll have a new name. Which also means I'll need to have new covers.........Anyone wanna make a cover for me? :D Doesn't matter what story, I've also decided I will be making a squeal to Bad Boy Bad Girl. So if you want I don't mind getting covers for that either.

You know what lets make a contest out of it :D. I will write a squeal for it but I don't have a title for the squeal sooo the contest is making a cover and name of the story :]. Whoever wins I will fan and ask for more covers in the future. Though I don't even know if any one will do it, if you want to please please please message me don't comment.

No Love - Eninem


2 Days

I stood in front of the mirror in the dress store looking at the blood red ballroom dress. It hugged from my hips up to my chest, making the top of a heart on my breasts, soft fabric hung loosely on my upper arms for sleaves, the back of the dress was a corset weaved with black ribbon. The big poof at the bottom was decorated with black ryestones and black glitter.

My blonde hair had been dyes earlier with black and red strips through out it, and the many layers make it look choppy and cute. The tattoo on my neck was still covered, I had also gone back earlier today and got black sparrows on each side of my chest. Mary had came with me for those, though I also got collarbone peircings top and bottom.

I had decided to go to the school dance, because Lena had kept bugging me all night last night and this morning as she was getting ready for school. So Mary and I had spent the day at the mall, and tattoo parlor.

"We'll take it." Mary said, to the sales women.

The women looked like she could squeal to have gotten a sale. I walked back in to the dressing room and took the dress off and put my clothes back on. She took my dress and went to put it in a protective case, as I put the card on the counter.

"Is that?" Mary asked.

"Mhm." I answered.

"Why are you using it recently?" She asked.

"Because he never took it back so why not use it before I leave the states." I replied.

Mary's head tipped back as she laughed and she smiled at me softly. The women rung up the dress, Mary took and I signed the little pad with my name, before I got my card back.

"Have a nice day." She said, with a smile.

"You too." I told her.

Mary and I walked out of the store and head for the car, as I put glasses on my face so no one would see me.

"Hey Mary." Zeek's voice called.

Mary went ridged and passed me the dress and car keys. She gave me a little push.

"Go hurry." She whispered.

I didn't need to be told twice I hurried out of the doors, as I heard Zeek ask who I was. I put the dress in the back seat and climbed in to the drivers seat turning on the car. Backing up I straightened the car as I saw Mary and Zeek walking out of the mall talking. Zane's car was waiting for Zeek beside the curb, I went as far as I could get in front of him waiting for Mary.

"Have you seen Sage?" Zeek asked, as they stopped beside Zane's car.

At the sound of Sage's name Zane raised his head up to look at Mary.

"No I haven't she hasn't talked to me about things at all the past couple of days. I think she's staying with a friend at the beach. I think she'll be around here tomorrow, but I have to go hanging out with a friend today." she replied.

Mary ran for her car and got in to the passenger seat. I pulled away from the curb before either of the boys had a chance to say bye.


"I think everyone thinks your like dead or something. Some think that Zane broke up with you so you moved away." Lena ranted pacing the living room.

I was half listening as I painted my toe nails black. Mary and Jay were out on a date for the night, so it was only Lena and I. The poor girl had been ranting for over an hour about how everyone in that school were dumbasses for thinking I'd run from someone like Zane.

Though I had to smile, she was what a friend should be ranting and all. Putting my feet on the table in front of my I looked up at Lena. She was going off on how Holden came out of the bathroom with three girls, and that Allie was stupid to even like him.

"Why don't you just take a picture everytime you see him with a girl not Allie then? And show her at the dance?" I questioned.

Lena spun towards me snapping her fingers, as I just blinked at her.

"Yes I'm going to do that, even record some so she knows it's not fake." Lena gushed.

With a laugh I stood up as a knock was heard at the door.

"Oh that has to be Zeek, he's taking me out tonight for a big bang before I leave. You going to be okay alone?" Lena asked.

I looked at her with a smile as I woddled in to the kitchen out of view of the door way. Lena picked up her purse.

"I'll be fine, it'll be good to be alone some." I told her.

"If your sure." She paused.

I gave her a nod and a smile when she gave me a doubtful look. With a wave she went out the door and locked it behind her. I grabbed a pack of Chips Ahoy! and slid to the kitchen floor my head resting on the cabinets.

Sitting there I thought about what Zane and I would be doing right now. No doubt we'd be tangled in my sheet on the bed that is no longer here. It then made me wonder what he was doing right now. Truthfully I didn't know if we were broken up or still together, neither of us ever said. For all I knew we could still be together and he was doing some other girl right now.

I put my head on my knees and a tear fell on to the white tile below me. Why could nothing ever come easy to me for once? Life wasn't being fair to me. But tomorrow I would find out if we were or not still together, for better or worse I would learn from this even if it was the last thing I did.

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