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"We'll never fall in love."

"Are you certain about that, Garroth?"


"What if he likes you?"

"He hates me, and I hate him."

"No. At the very least, you tolerate each other."

"You are such a great friend, Aphmau."

"Tell me something I don't already know."

"It isn't going to happen. He's into girls. Besides, he has a girlfriend."

"I heard from a little birdie, that they actually broke up~"

"Where'd you find this information?"

"Katelyn. She may have snooped on them."

"I wasn't told of this... See! He hates me!"

"Garroth, stop lying to yourself! You are a beautiful young man, with an amazing personality! I'm sure Laurance loves you, just as much as you love him~!"

"I don't love Laurance!"

"Your tone of voice says otherwise~"


"You totes like him Garroth!"

"I am not even sure what I think of him...I can barely tolerate him as a friend! He gets annoying."

"Oh, hush. You don't mean that."

"I do. We'll never fall in love!"


A/N- This is a prequel to the story "If We Fall In Love". This takes place during Laurance and Garroth's High School years. This will make more since, if you've read that book first. I hope you guys enjoy.


A/N- Also! Yes, this book was already up, before! However, it was accidentally unpublished somehow. I took that opportunity to revise the story, and fix minor plotholes I noticed, while rereading. Sorry for the inconvenience. Hope you enjoy. 😊

We'll Never Fall In Love [Garrance AU] {Prequel To If We Fall In Love}Where stories live. Discover now