Chapter 31: First "I Love You"s

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<!!Possible Trigger Warnings!!>
<This chapter mentions heavy stuff themes (but does not go into explicit detail) about alcohol abuse, depression, sexual abuse and more. Proceed with caution.>

*Garroth's POV*
~1 Week Later~

"GarGar, honey, is everything okay? You've been down there in the basement all morning..."

"Just leave me alone! I'll be out in a minute." I poured more wine into the glass I had stolen from the kitchen, setting the bottle back.

Mom's footsteps faded away, and I turned back to the savory liquid, downing it in almost one go. I've been frequenting the cellar as often as I've been frequenting Gene's bedroom this past week. Quite often.

My head was a constant migraine, and no amount of medication could suffice. Every time I walked I felt like I was treading on wire, always one second away from tipping off the edge. Life is a circus and I'm the starring act.

"Garroth!" Vylad's voice came from th other side, followed by his fist pounding against the door. "Please come out! We need to have a talk with you..."

I ignored him, finishing my drink. What does he care? What does anyone care? This is my own fight. I'm not a child. I can win my own battles. I'm stronger than I appear.

"Garroth! Unlock the door, please! You're worrying me!"

"Go away!" I yelled back, hiding my glass out of sight. "I want to be alone right now!"

"You made mom cry, you know."

"Stop trying to guilt trip me! You're just going to make me want to stay down here longer!"

All of the yelling was putting a massive strain on my throat. Even greater than the strain that was already there. I really needed some more cough drops. Badly. My throat felt like it was in a constant stinging state, and it burned like I had just swallowed fire.

"You're being ridiculous, Garroth. Please come upstairs. You don't have to talk to anyone but me, and maybe Zane if you want. It's just us. We're here for you."

I grumbled nonsense, standing up too quickly. I immediately was hit with a wave of dizziness, and it took me more than a moment to regain my footing.


I stumbled my way up the stairs, clutching the rail for support. My vision was very bleary, and it was incredibly hard to focus on anything. I quickly grabbed the doorknob, the moment I could reach it, unlocked the door, and swung it violently open. The action almost caused me to whack myself in the face, but thankfully I didn't. Or did I? I don't even know anymore. I'm so out-of-touch with reality at this point.

"My Irene, Garroth. What the heck happened to you?" Vylad studied my appearance, a look of pure horror spread across his features. Great. More people judging me. Just what I needed.


"Come on," Vylad took my hand in his, helping me out of the cellar, and up the next flight of stairs to where our rooms were. "Do you want to talk to just me? Or do you want to talk to Zane, as well?"

"I don't care anymore..." That was nothing but the truth. I didn't care about anything. I felt empty and broken.


We'll Never Fall In Love [Garrance AU] {Prequel To If We Fall In Love}Where stories live. Discover now