Something a Little Special

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Chapter One

Boys used to look at me.

Now they don't.

When they would try to flirt with me or pick up books I would drop, I would totally blow them off. Now I wish I hadn't.

The only person that stuck with me is my friend Autumn. She stills talks to me and treats me like a normal person, while everyone else gives me weird looks and whispers about me.

Like, "did you bear what happened to her?", "yeah didn't it have to do with a shark attack..."

And then they get mad when I tell them I can hear them.

Funny right?

I still surf though, I haven't let it take over my life, even though most people would. Well I guess I should say people that don't care about the water, would let it take over there life.

But I do want to get back in the water, and I have.

I don't think I'm making sense.


You're probably wondering what I'm talking about. We'll, you know that movie where the girl losses her arm while surfing.

Well, that's what happened to me.


"You know I don't need your help." I tell Autumn.

She gives me a look that says, "SURE you don't."

She ignores me and picks up my back pack. I roll my eyes as we walk to school together. It is a warm California winter day, seventy degrees. I am wearing a tank top, which looks sort of normal on me because there is no loose sleeve hanging at me left side. I can see the palm trees swaying in the wind. I have my surf board tucked under my right arm. I need to bring it to the repair shop to get it fixed. What Autumn likes to call 'the pointy thing at the bottom' broke off and I need to get it replaced. My dad would do it, but he's out of town.

If I look across the street I can see the beach. It's were I got attacked, but I don't care. The odds of getting bit by a shark TWICE are probably one in a million.

I checked.

I am wearing short shorts that are frayed at the edges. I love them, just like I love the beach.

I see the relpair shop down the road and walk faster. We reach it and walk through the door.

"Hello Raylynn, how are you?" Asks Jimmy, the old man who runs the shop.

"Good, um can you get me a new-"

"Pointy thing at the bottom?" Autumn cut in.

"Sure, don't know if I've heard it called that before but ok. Just come pick it up after school."

"Thanks Jimmy!" I say and we walk out the door.

"Really?" I ask Autumn and laugh.

"What? It's a better name for them."

I laugh and we continue down the street. Soon the school comes into view and we see students walking in the brick building.

We reach the door and Autumn and me walk to our first class. We reach the science lab and take out seet.

"Hello, students." Mrs. Jamey says with a clip board in her hand. "Let's do attendance."

She calls out names one by one.






"Always here." Autumn chirps.

"Raylynn?" She asks and looks up.

"Here," I say and look at her. "Always am."

The class quietly laughs and she shushes them.

She continues to call out names until she's reached the bottom of the list. We litsen to her boring science lesson and run out when the bell rings.

"Gosh, if only we could get a new teacher." Autumn says and she grabs my back pack from me.

"I know right? A shark probably has more enthusiasm than her." I joke.

"How can you make jokes about sharks after what happened?"

"I don't know, why does everyone ask that?"

"Probably because your arm got bit off by one." She says and I laugh.

"Well I don't let it control my life." I laugh, and the truth is, I don't let it control me.

I still surf board, skate board, swim, and acually enjoy life.

Even more than some Normal people.

I think that's what throws Autumn for a loop.

Something a Little SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now