Noah's Ark Circus

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You, Ciel and Sebastian then got back in the carriage and set off for the circus. When you got there, you stepped out of the carriage and looked up.

You followed behind Ciel and Sebastian as they entered the big tent and found seats.
You waited for a couple of minutes then someone walked out onto the stage.
"Ladies and Gentlemen!
Boys and Girls of all ages!
Welcome to the incredible, stupendous Noah's Ark's circus! I am Joker, this evening's ringleader, a pleasure to meet ya, it is," he bowed and started juggling.
"Tonight, you'll be sure to see performances that'll stun and amaze ya and leave ye breathless." More spotlights turned on and shone on the acts that had ran on around him.
"And now for the very great Jumbo, the greatest show begins!"
Jumbo roared and all the other acts ran off stage.
Jumbo blows a fire torch and it erupts into a huge, red flame...

"First up we have our two talented trapeze artists...Peter and Wendy!" Joker announced.
You saw a girl and a boy swinging from the trapeze in the air. They did a flip in the air and caught each other, then smiled at the audience.

You then saw a man throwing knives at a woman spinning on a wheel, barely missing her.
"Our knife thrower, a perfect shot, who never misses his target, Dagger!"
The audience applauded.
"And now a daringly beautiful dance from the rarity of rarities, our serpent man, the amazing Snake."
"They all seem like standard fair to me," Ciel said, blankly.
"Yes and if there are any children, forced to perform, there is no evidence for me to see," Sebastian replied.
You just watched in awe.
"And our next performance, if you'll look above 'ye Ladies and Gents, a death defying walk across the tallest tightrope, by the lovely circus princess, Doll!"

"What would a circus need with children if they didn't intend to use them to perform?" Ciel asked, "could it just be a coincidence that all these incidents happened on the same night as the circus?"
Doll does the splits and rolls backwards into a handstand then does the splits again in the air.

"Last, but not least, the brightest star of our troop, I bring 'ye the finest tamer of wild cats..." the tiger roared, then lay down and allowed the woman to put her foot on its back.

"This very special act calls for somebody as an invitation, are there any volunteers then?" Joker asked the audience.
You blushed as you watched him.
"There doesn't seem to be any children in the final act either, excellent this was a complete waste of my time," Ciel grumbled.
You sigh, "Well we didn't find what we were looking for."
Sebastian suddenly stood up.
"Why are you standing?" Ciel asked.
"What are you doing?" You asked, nervously.
"Do you see something?" Ciel asked
"Oh ho ho! The gentleman in the tailcoat there sure looks eager, aye?" Joker exclaimed.
"Please come up on stage!" He invited.
You and Ciel gasped
"Well come right up sir," Joker said.
"I see what your upto," Ciel says, "an opportunity for a closer inspection? Go on then, we simply must find a clue to those disappearances and it seems our best chance of doing that is by learning all we can about this circus."
"Alright, we've established initial contact, but hundreds of eyes are on you, I'm curious to see how you will conduct this investigation."
"Very good sir, now if you'll please lie dow-" Joker started but Sebastian walked straight past him.
Beast gasped and watched him.
Sebastian knelt down next to the tiger and cupped its face.
"Aah those big, round eyes, positively glow!" The audience gasped and you and Ciel froze.
"Those ears are so soft!"
"Of course, tigers are bloody cats!"
You facepalmed
"I've never seen such vivid black stripes before..."
He stroked its face.
Joker and Beast sweatdropped
"Oh dear, your claws have gotten a bit too big, haven't they? We should have to groom them..."
Ciel and you groaned and buried your face in your hands.
"Attractively plump paw pads, I hope you'll pardon my saying so..." The tiger leaned forward and bit Sebastian's head...
The audience screamed and you rolled your eyes.
"Release that man immediately Betty!" Beast yelled, cracking her whip.
But Sebastian caught it.
"She's done nothing wrong to receive a punishment, the fault lies with me, I was so overcome by her beauty, I behaved rudely...Furthermore I doubt that indiscriminate whipping will prove an effective way to tame her." Sebastian smiled and the tiger chomped down on his head again.
********MINI TIMESKIP*********
"My apologies my Lord, I've lived many years but cats are such fickle creatures, I still can't quite read their moods, I simply adore that about them," Sebastian said, outside the circus tent.
You smirked.
Ciel sighed, "What were you thinking, you attracted unnecessary attent-!" He sneezed.
You sniffled and sneezed too.
"Dammit!," Ciel cursed, pointing at Sebastian, "You know perfectly well that I am allergic to cats, you idiot! And Kiyomi looks like she is allergic too! Stay away from me."
"Yes." Sebastian said looking down. You hesitated as Ciel walked off.
"Oh I found ye!" You turned around to see Joker running up to us.
He stopped in front of us.
"Hello sir, Bloke in the fancy tailcoats!" He chuckled. "I caught you, I'm sorry for earlier."
"Please, it is I who should be apologising," Sebastian replied.
Joker smiled, "Frightened me the way you traipsed up to that tiger like she was a kitten, heh sure you're alright then? Not hurt anywhere?"
You glanced back at Ciel who disappeared around a corner.
"Best look you over," Joker said, "Happens we have a doctor on staff, he'll be glad to have a look at ye, I reckon, alright? Please come on back."
You caught sight of Ciel nodding at us.
Sebastian smiled.
"Thank you, don't mind if I do."
Joker gestured for us to follow him as he led the way.
"It's just back this way a tad, the ol' place is a little bit of a mess I'm afraid."
We walked through a pair of tents and caught sight of Snake.
"Well good evenin' there Snake," Joker said, smiling at him, "Do you know if Doc's back in the medical tent?"
Snake looked up at us one of his snakes pointing.
"Oh maybe making the rounds then?" Joker said.
We made our way past some more circus folk including Peter and Wendy. You smiled at them as you passed.
Soon you got to a tent that Joker opened, revealing two long tables with a few people sat at including Dagger, who was talking to a man in a wheelchair.
"Good!" Joker exclaimed, "There he is! Oi Doc!"
The man in the wheelchair turns around.
"Yes? Joker what can I do for you tonight? Is your hand acting up again?" He smiled.
"Hah no, I brought a different patient, see?"
Dagger exclaimed and stood up, "Wait him?! He's that bloke from tonight's tiger act! He was the one that got bitten by Betty!"
The doctor's facial expression turned to that of shock.
"Hold on! What?! Goodness how terrible! We need to get you to the infirmary!"
**********MINI TIMESKIP**********
"Are you quite certain, you've been bitten by a tiger?" The Doc questioned.
Sebastian was kneeling next to the Doc, the Doc examining his head for injuries.
"I don't see any gashes or broken skin," he said letting go.
Sebastian sat up and smiled,
"It was just an affectionate nip."
You smirked at Joker and Dagger who looked downright terrified and confused.
"Affectionate eh?" Joker mumbled
"Nip eh?" Dagger added.
"Well I'm just glad you're alright," the doc said leaning back in his wheelchair, "That could have been a serious injury, indeed-"
Joker interrupted,
"Too true, too true, imagine letting a customer get injured, if I did that the troop leader'd kill me."
Sebastian turned to him.
"I had the impression you were the troop leader." Sebastian said turning to him.
"No not me!" Joker said putting his hands, well hand and skeleton hand up, "Afraid I'm only the 'ired up, the real leader's downright scary, not someone you want to cross."
Dagger came over.
"Brave of you to say so, that kinda talk could get you in trouble."
Joker chuckled and you smiled slightly.
Beast walks in,
"Hey Doc, you got a minute to look at my leg?"
Dagger's eyes light up.
"Hello Beast!"
"Why are you here?!" She shouted.
He walked towards her.
"Same as you, I came to have Doc look at my leg too," he leant down on one knee, "It's just further proof that we were destined to be together!"
She ignored him and walked past.
"You're the dandy from earlier!" She pointed at Sebastian, "What do you think you're doing? After the way you ruined my act, you oughta be-"
"That's enough," the doctor interrupted,
"Speaking that way to a guest is just plain unacceptable, this wasn't his fault, it was yours for not being able to control Betty properly."
Beast pointed at Sebastian angrily.
"He just walked up and started touchin her!"
"No excuses, you are a professional now."
Joker came and stood next to you, watching.
"Let's take it easy there Doc, what's our guests gonna think of us yelling and screaming like this, " he smiled and you blushed glancing away.
"Joker's right!" Dagger cut in, "Beast's leg is what's really important, so let's focus on that instead of fighting, shall we?" He grinned.
The Doc sighed, "You'll need to spend some time retraining Betty before the next performance, understood?"
Beast looked away.
"Alright then, show me your prosthesis, " the Doc sighed.
Sebastian and you turned,
"A prosthesis?" You both said.
"You'll find us Noah's Ark performers are a bit of an irregular bunch, it's hard to uh gather enough people with a certain type of problem, you might say, just look at me," he looks down at his skeleton arm, "Missing an arm and the Doc here found me a right fine replacement for it, pretty nice don't ya think?"
You nodded, fascinated with his arm.
"That one needs constant adjustments though," the Doc adds in, "I should have never let you choose the design, coming in everyday asking me to look at it." Joker laughed awkwardly and you smiled up at him.
"You craft prostheses for the performers?" Sebastian asked, curiously and walked towards him, "that is your main task?"
You stood awkwardly next to Joker.
"Essentially," the doctor said, and quite a task it is I do everything from carving the parts to the final fitting."
"You said carving them are they wooden then?" Sebastian questioned.
The doctor shook his head.
"Not wooden, ceramic actually."
You were leant on a tent pole next to Joker watching.
"Ceramic?" Sebastian raised an eyebrow.
"I know what you're thinking, but I use special materials, so they're light and sturdy, feel this you'll see what I mean. "
He held Beast's leg over to Sebastian.
Sebastian ran his hands along it,
"Indeed I do, they're quite smooth to touch."
"Of course and you'll notice that I used spherical parts in the joints to ensure fluidity of movement," the Doc replied.
Beast looked flustered as Sebastian's hands moved further up her leg.
"Mmm...This is truly fine work... I'm impressed" he stopped, "Oh, what's this?"
Beast's face turned red and angry. You blushed and averted your eyes.
"A seal of some sort?" Sebastian asked innocently.
Joker stood there blushing, wide eyed and Dagger's mouth was open, his nose bleeding.
"What do you think you're doing, pervert?!" Beast yelled, attempting to kick Sebastian.
He managed to dodge it swiftly.
"Oh, I most humbly beg your pardon, it seems I have read you incorrectly, I had not assumed you were possessed by such a modest temperament."
Beast glared at him and gritted her teeth as she got out her whip and flicked it fiercly at him.
Again, he dodged it swiftly and you smirked.
She kept trying to hit him and this resulted in her destroying most of the curtains separating each booth.
"Oi, Beast stop that!" The doc shouted.
I just watched holding in a laugh as Dagger stood there fuming.
The Doc turned to them.
"Stop that! Beast stop at once! Hey you two do something!" Dagger looked like he was gonna burst into flames.
"You wretch! How dare you even think about touching my lady's skin! Bastard! Even I haven't touched it yet!" He started throwing his knives at Sebastian.
You sighed as you watched, you glanced at Joker who looked mesmerised by what he was seeing and had a shocked but amazed expression.
Sebastian managed to backflip gracefully onto a tentpole.
"Well to be fair I didn't actually touch her skin," he smirked, "It seems I did touch a nerve though, terribly sorry," he smiled down at everyone.
Dagger gripped his knives.
"Put those knives away! You'll shred the tent at this rate!" The doctor complained.
Dagger gritted his teeth and Joker watched on, in awe.
"I'm protecting Beast's honour, that's more important than some bloody tent," he retaliated.
He threw all of his knives at Sebastian who just smirked and caught them all between his fingers.
"Blimey!" Dagger breathed out, shocked.
I leant on a tent pole, smiling, and folded my arms.
Joker whistled.
Beast cracked her whip on the floor.
"I'm gonna take you down, Pig!"
She raised her whip, ready to strike, but it just got caught and wrapped around Joker's staff.
Joker front flipped and I stared, shocked.
He landed and glared at Beast, making her gasp.
He held out his staff to her.
"Ta-da!" Flowers popped out of the top.
"Alright that's enough fun for now" He said, still smiling.
You stared at him, feeling something weird and warm bubbling inside of you.
"What?! That's not fair!" Dagger complained.
Joker ignored him and gave Beast the flowers.
"Cmon Beast, aren't you bein' a bit touchy."
You smirked at the Doctor who was complaining at Joker, who was completely ignoring him.
Sebastian jumped down and joined you by your side.
"But he's the one who-!" Beast started.
"Now, now," Joker rubbed her leg, and you looked away.
She blushed deeply
"It's such an 'ansome leg, you can hardly blame the fella for wanting to touch it," he murmured in her ear.
He smiled, "Go on dear take these flowers."
She walked off, huffing.
You looked away breathing out.
"Well that was quite a feat of acrobatics there sir,"
Sebastian gave Dagger his knives back.
"I reckon I would hire ye, I would, right quick"
Your gaze softened at his smile.
"Is your offer sincere?" Sebastian asked, right in Joker's face.
Joker stumbled back and you had to catch him steadying him, smiling.
Sebastian sighed, "Honestly, I might not mind a change of occupation, my current master is so spoilt I'd be happy to be done with him," he put a hand to his head to add realism and sighing.
You hid your smirk with your hand.
"Oh master is it? A servant then are ye?" Joker asked, curiously, "That's a bit of a surprise, I thought for sure you were one of the Gentry." "Dressed up all n' dandy, y'are," he glanced at both of you.
"Me part of the Gentry?" Sebastian smiled, "assuredly not, oh no you see I am simply one hell of a butler."
He smirked and you rolled your eyes.
"Now then, was your offer a serious one? If so then I would very much like to take you up upon it."
"Not having a jest up on me are ye?" Joker asked nervously.
You smirked.
"You'll find that he's not one for jests," you said.
Joker's eyes widened and he grinned.
He laughed and patted you both on the shoulders.
"Funny fellas aren't ye!"
You raised an eyebrow, smirking.
"Alright my 'ansome...and beautiful, join if you'd like we'd be happy to have ye!"
You blushed and Beast glared.
"What are you doin'? You can't just make a decision like that!"
Joker stepped back and put his hands up in defense.
"Hey easy there now, you saw him, he's got real talent!"
"Yeah we saw him! Not her!"
"Terribly sorry but if I were to be so bold but this is Kiyomi, she's very talented in acrobatics and I think she would be confident enough to be in a circus."
You blushed deeply.
"Uh sure I'll audition..."
Sebastian smiled, "Excellent and there is also someone else I would much like to introduce you to."
"Well if he's anything like you, then I'm sure he'll work out well, I reckon we'll be wanting to give both this young lass and him an audition though."
Sebastian replied, "But of course." And you nodded, smiling.
"We'll return tomorrow and bring him with us, so you can see if he suits, thank you for an excellent day," you both bowed and headed towards the exit.
Beast looked away scoffing.
"Leaving us already?" Joker said.
"There's no need to see us out, we'll be fine," Sebastian said, smiling and we both left.
I blushed as I saw Joker wink at me before the door dropped.
When we exited, we walked for a bit and noticed some slightly higher quality looking tents.
"That's weird,"
"Yes interesting, I'm going to take a look,"
"Wait what, Sebastian you can't just walk in ther-"
"I don't sense any children here." He interrupted.
"But Sebastian-!"
"However, I do sense something a"
"Wait Sebastian!" He walked off.
You sighed and jumped over the barrier to follow.
Sebastian suddenly stopped.
You looked and squealed as a snake hissed at you.
"I'm afraid this area is off-limits to you, my friends..."

Hey Guys!
Thank you for reading!
I know it's been quite similar to the actual anime at the moment but I will be adding different things in soon!
Keep reading!
Kiyo-chan out :3

Word count: 2983

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