A Night Disappearance

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Lemon in this chapter! If you don't like them then don't read.

"Once we search the first tier performers tents we can go home, it's easy for you to sneak in Sebastian but I'm worried about me and Kiyomi," Ciel stated.
You opened your mouth.
"Uhm Ciel?"
"What is it, Kiyomi?"
"Well after you left, I started talking to Dagger and uhm...well I'm allowed to go into the first tier tents whenever I please now."
Ciel's eyes widened.
"Why didn't you tell me before? That makes it easier for us now, which tents did he say? All of them?"
"I can get into Joker's and Dagger's definitely."
"Well there we go then," Sebastian smiled.
"And I was thinking maybe Sebastian could manipulate Beast at some point maybe?" I said as Sebastian dried Ciel off and dressed him in clean, dry clothes.
"My initial plan was to work quietly up the ladder, but with these wretched conditions I simply can't last that long," Ciel said, "I'm already approaching my limit."
Sebastian nodded.
"The reaper keeps me from moving freely at night."
"Unfortunately, the fact that the reaper is here, isn't enough to prove the circus guilty of anything," Ciel sighed, "So behave yourself for now."
"Yes." Sebastian obeyed.
You looked down.
"As I said, it looks like Joker has rejected some sort of feeling from Beast and that could easily mean Sebastian could get information from her for us."
"Hmm, yes maybe," Ciel replied.
"The time to strike into the first-tier tents is during the show, when we expect them all to be away from their tents, and before anything I need to find a way to slip through that freckled chap, he tails me everywhere, if I can't assess the tents' contents personally there's no point," Ciel sighed and shivered.
"I want to go home, I'm long overdue for something sweet." He said.
"I think you would benefit from a nice cup of tea as well, both of you," Sebastian said.
"Oi has anyone seen my headress!" Wendy called, you were sat next to her doing yours and her make up. You reached for it and smiled.
"Here you are, Wendy."
She smiled back, "Thank you."
"I haven't got enough knives, hurry up with those spares!" Ciel hurried over.
"Here!" He handed Dagger the crateful.
"Right you lot!" Joker called, "It's almost show time! So look lively!"
Ciel sat down, out of breath.
You smiled and wished everyone good luck, patting each one of the main acts on the shoulder, before waving them off to the stage, smiling as your eyes shimmered blue slightly.
"Why are you in costume?" Ciel asked.
"Oh, Joker said to get ready just in case." You said.
He shrugged and went over to you two.
"Hey Sebastian, Kiyomi, I managed to lose Freckles, somehow, so let's hurry and check the tents, whilst we have the chance," he whispered.
"Yes my Lord," Sebastian said and you nodded.
We sneaked out of the backstage tent and headed towards the First-tier tents.
"Black! Beauty!"
You stopped and turned around to see Joker carrying Wendy on his back.
"We've got a problem, Wendy 'ere seems to have twisted her ankle," he said, you gave her a reassuring look, as if to say it'll be alright and she nodded, "Show's already started so we need you both to get in there and take her place on the trapeze."

"Uh, but-" you stuttered, "Surely I'm not fit to substitute."
"Ahh from what I've seen you do, I'm sure you're more than fit for the job hmm?" He smiled.
"Now were counting on ye's two, ye understand?" He ran for the infirmary, "and there isn't much time before the act, so you need to be quick about it." He disappeared into the infirmary.
"He leaves us little choice, my Lord we must attend to this, we'll find another chance-! Uh my Lord?" Sebastian said, confused at Ciel's thoughtful look.
"We don't even know if there will be another chance, Freckles follows me around every second of the day, you may be needed in the show, but I should have some time, the only trouble is the snakes...alright then, come we must move quickly."
"Yes my Lord," Sebastian said and you nodded.
**********MINI TIMESKIP**********
You got rid of all the snakes.
"I believe that should be all of them," Sebastian said.
"According to the program, your act ends at 7:50 and the encore is a 8'o clock, if that schedule is correct, then that should allow me roughly a ten minute window," Ciel said.
"To do what?" You asked.
"As soon as your act ends, come and release the snakes, then return for the encore, I'll take this opportunity to look through their tents." Ciel replied
"But are you sure, you'll be alright by yourself?" You asked.
"I'll be fine, now hurry on back to the show you two, they'll be getting suspicious."
"Very good, my Lord," Sebastian nodded, "At once." You followed Sebastian back to the main tent.
You pulled Sebastian away from Suit.
"I'll take over from Suit," you said and Dagger laughed, "Alright Beauty," he smirked.
You grabbed Sebastian's hands and swung down, catching the other trapeze.
"Uh, you can go change Beast, there's time before the encore," you overheard Dagger say awkwardly.
"I suppose I should," she replied.
You gasped, as did Sebastian. You glance at him. You did a few more flips and twists, and backflipped on to opposite platforms. You curtsied and Sebastian bowed, waving.
You quickly disappeared backstage and ran with Sebastian to Beast's tent before she could.
You both pulled Ciel into a chest to hide, and poked a top out for Beast before she opened it.
You heard her exit and peeked out of the chest with the others.
You sighed in relief.
"Good thing we returned ahead of schedule, thought you might need us," Sebastian said,
"Yes, now get off will you two," Ciel snapped.
"Look at these photographs, do you notice anything?" Ciel said showing us.
"Definitely, the imprint from this signet ring, I've seen it recently, " Sebastian pointed.
"Signet ring?" Ciel said, "Imprint? You mean you can make out details that small?" Ciel asked, surprised.
"Yes, now then if memory serves, this matches the seal at the joint of Beast's prosthetic leg," Sebastian said.
"Signet ring...The seal...The workhouse, we need to know more," Ciel said, "Who is this man?"
Sebastian looked at his pocket watch,
"It's almost 8'o clock, I think we had better stop for today."
You nodded, "We need to free the snakes before the encore begins.
"I still have to look through Joker's tent," Ciel said.
"My Lord?" I should be able to manage it, I think the encore will give me just enough time," Ciel narrowed his eye, "I want all of this to be over today," he turned to us, "You two will need to go back so they don't suspect us, after the encore simply return to the tents before they do and set the snakes free."
"Won't it just be easier for me to look through Joker's tent?" You asked.
"No, he'll always be with you, so you'll never get the chance," Ciel replied, "Now move." He ran out.
"Yes. My Lord," Sebastian bowed.
You watched feeling guilty before returning to the main tent.
**********MINI TIMESKIP**********
"Well done everyone! Good show!" Joker shouted and turned to Suit and Dagger.
"Oi where did Black go?" He asked Dagger.
"He ran off right after the encore, without so much as a bye you'll leave, maybe he needed to have a good old piss eh?" Dagger smirked and Joker chuckled, "Heh heh, could be, might have even leaked a little up there."
He walked over to you, smiling.
"Hey ye alright, Beauty?," he stroked your face gently.
You were staring off into space, biting your lip.
You snapped out of it, blushing deeply.
"Uh, yeah I'm fine,"
He smiled, "Ye were great tonight, ye're a real life saver."
He smirked, "Stay with me again tonight lass, I'll be back later but wait for me in my tent," he had a slight blush on his cheeks.
"Uh ok, I'll wait for you then," you said, your heart beating rapidly.
He smiled, "See you then," he pecked you on the lips before going to see the others.
"Uh thank you, see you then," you said, flustered.
Dagger watched after Joker.
He came up to you and tilted your chin up to peck you on the lips too.
He pulled away and smiled, "Don't think I'm letting Joker be the only one to steal a kiss from you~"
You looked away, twirling your hair and biting your lip.
He led you away, smiling to find Joker.
"I'm feeling a mite peckish, " he said.
Dagger grinned, "Well let's go eat then!"
You spotted Ciel and mouthed discreetly to him to hide.
You nodded, smiling.
Joker grinned and wrapped his arm around you pulling you against his side as he walked. You blushed and walked with him to the mess tent.
Starting to worry when Doll started walking in Ciel's direction...
**********MINI TIMESKIP**********
You exited the mess tent, waving at Joker and Dagger who walked off in the other direction, leaving you to go and find Ciel and Sebastian.
You looked around and saw Freckles stood outside the infirmary.
"Hey have you seen Smile and Black?"
She nodded and led me into the infirmary.
You gasped.
"What happened?"
"I saw him collapse and ran over when he puked," Freckles said.
The Doc turned to us.
"It's an asthmatic fit."
"Asthma are you certain?" Sebastian asked, "we've lived together for three years now, and I've never known anything of the sort to afflict him before today."
"If he hasn't had an attack for three years, he may be more or less cured, but sometimes patients relapse if they catch cold or experience sudden stress," the Doc said.
"He has had colds before, they were not like this," Sebastian said, worriedly.
"It seems probable, there were multiple triggers this time and I hear he had a bath outside earlier with the rest of those loons, it's no wonder he took a chill!"
Freckles looked guilty and you put a hand to Ciel's head.
He opened his eyes breathing heavily.
Sebastian walked over.
"Awake then? Are you?" the Doc smiled.
Sebastian kneeled down next to him, "Here drink this."
"Tell me Smile, has this sort of thing happened before?" The Doc asked, "Were you asthmatic before?"
He looked zoned out. He murmured, "Aunt Angeline..." he closed his eyes again, breathing heavily.
"Not good, the Doc said, "His mind seemed to be muddled, we shall have to keep a sharp watch until the fever goes down."
"I'll fetch ice!" Freckles said running off, "Be right back!"
"What about you then Black, and Beauty?"
"I would like to stay and help if it's not too much trouble for you," Sebastian said.
"I'd be much obliged," the Doc replied.
"Uh..I...don't know whether I can stay, I need to go and see Joker," you stood up.
You exited, heading for Joker's tent but stopped and hid when you heard voices.
"What's that? Black and Smile snuck in?" You heard Joker say, "after what?"
"Now that, I'm afraid I couldn't tell you, my boy, says Wordsworth," Snake said.
"Are you serious? You really think your serpent friends speak to you?" Peter said.
"How dare you presume to doubt my word, you simpleton! Says Wordsworth," Snake said. His snake hissing.
"Might have been better if you'd have mentioned this a bit before don't you think?" Joker sighed.
Another Snake hissed, "I did suggest that we report it straight away says Emily," Snake said.
"Well never mind that now, thanks and off to bed with all of you."
"Goodnight old chap! Do sleep well!, Come Wordsworth, Longfellow, Emily," Snake walked off.
"This isn't good, they might suspect something," Joker said, "That Doll is a bleedin fool."
"I told ya we never should've rung her," you heard Peter say, "She's too young to be anything but a bloody nuisance."
"So who are Black and Smile then? And what are they after?" Joker said.
"I say we get rid of em and Beauty," Peter said.
You stepped back.
"No that's a bad idea," Jumbo said.
"Why?" Peter asked.
"Jumbo's right," Joker said, "If they're from the yard, killin' them'd draw too much attention and that'd put us in a right bit of bad."
"At the very least we'd have to go our separate ways," Jumbo said.
"Right you are," Joker sighed, "What to do...I think I should be asking Father...I'll be on my way now, and remember what Father wants most is the target so keep an eye on those two..."
"Just those two?" Peter questioned, "What about-"
"Do not touch her." You heard Joker say and he exited the tent.
You stood there, not believing what you just heard.
You made your way to Joker's tent and went inside, you sat there and waited...
You were lying on his bed, tired, but still waiting when his tent opened. You opened your eyes slightly.
"Joker?" He came over and crawled onto the bed, above you.
You avoided eye contact.
"Hey lass, are ye tired?"
You nodded.
He smiled, "Ye're so cute..."
He leaned down...
Your lips met gently, and he moved his against yours slowly, trying not to scare you.
You hesitated, still worried about what you heard earlier.
He stroked your face gently and you melted, closing your eyes and wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
He ran his tongue along your bottom lip and you opened your mouth slowly, letting him slip it in and he explored your mouth.
You rubbed yours against his gently and hesitantly and he welcomed it gladly, intertwining his tongue with yours.
"Mmm.." you groaned softly.
He pulled away slowly, leaving you tingly.
"I love you..."
Your face heated up as he started to kiss your neck, biting it every so often.
You groaned softly as he kissed a certain spot. You felt him smirk against your skin and started kissing and biting that spot repeatedly.
You moaned out slightly louder.
He kissed down your collar bone to your cleavage, pulling the straps on your shoulders gently off. He rubbed your right breast through your black lace bra and you bit your lip. He reached behind you to unclip it and you felt a wave of relief as your breasts were freed.
He stroked his thumbs over your nipples, making you shiver.
You pulled his jacket off his shoulders and started to undo his waistcoat. He smiled down at you, blushing lightly, you pulled his waistcoat off and started on his shirt running your hands along his chest whilst undoing it.
He groaned softly and pulled it off leaning down to your chest.
You moaned as he started kissing your breasts, running his tongue over your nipples.
You arched your back in pleasure, groaning.
He intertwined his fingers with yours, pulling you against him gently.
You breathed out and he pulled away, moving back up to slip his tongue into your mouth again...
He rubbed your thigh with his cold skeleton hand causing you to shiver in pleasure.
His finger traced your groin to your inner thigh, rubbing it slowly.
"Aah~" you gripped the sheets.
He lifted your legs up resting them on his shoulders, you're breath hitched when you felt him blow on your wet core.
He rubbed your butt slowly, hooking his fingers into your underwear and pulling them down slowly.
You moaned softly as you felt the cold air hit your womanhood and you bit your lip.
Joker traced his tongue over your folds slowly and you moaned out,
"Aaah....Joker don't tease..."
He smirked and rubbed his tongue against you rougher.
You moaned and gripped onto him. He slipped his tongue into you and rubbed it against your wet walls.
You writhed around groaning in pleasure.
He wrapped his arms around your legs, holding you.
He rubbed your clitoris, making you gasp out.
"Nnngh, Joker..."
He moved his tongue faster and you arched your back as you came, moaning his name.
He cleaned you up and put your legs down, crawling up to face you again.
You breathed heavily and looked up at him.
You put your hands on his waist just above his pants.
He leaned down slowly kissing you passionately as you unbuttoned his pants.
You both gasped when you broke apart.
He groaned as you pulled his pants down.
He kissed and sucked on your neck as you pulled his underwear down. You stroked down his back, pulling him into your body. He kissed your neck running his tongue along your skin back up to your mouth and he stroked down your thigh, bending your leg up and hooking it around his waist as he rubbed your thigh.
"Mmm...." he hummed against your mouth and rubbed his tip against your soaking folds.
You moaned out and gripped onto him.
"Joker...stop..teasing...aah...." he pushed the head in gently and you felt some precum ooze into you.
He groaned and intertwined his fingers with yours and pushed in further. You winced and gripped onto his hands, a few tears escaping your eyes.
He wiped them gently.
"It'll go away soon lass..." he reassured you.
You breathed out and held him close, trying to adjust.
You nodded slightly at him.
He kissed you deeply as he started moving slowly, groaning softly, pain turning to pleasure.
You moaned, letting him slip his tongue into your mouth.
He held on to your hips feeling you relax more, so he started moving faster.
You gripped onto him and moaned loudly as you started moving your hips with his.
His skeleton hand reached down and started to rub your clit roughly, making you melt underneath him.
You arched your back, having to pull away, breathing heavily, feeling him pound into you.
He pinched your nipple with his left hand, making you let out a whimper.
You opened your mouth and arched your back.
He took this chance to slip his tongue into your mouth again as his thrusts became slightly sloppier.
"Mm...Beauty," he gripped onto your waist.
"Let me come inside..." he murmured against your lips.
You breathed in heavily and buried your head in his neck, nodding slightly and sinking your fangs into his flesh, marking him before groaning as you came.
He moaned softly and thrusted deep into you one last time before cumming inside of you.
You groaned feeling him fill you up, pulling away from his neck.
He looked down at you.
You smiled and stroked his face.
He kissed you gently, pulling you closer.
You stroked his hair and wrapped your arms around his neck as he rested his head next to yours, pressing gentle kisses to your neck.
You smiled and wrapped your legs around his waist, snuggling into him.
He kissed your head and closed his eyes.
You sighed happily and closed yours too.
You opened your eyes slowly.
Joker had his arms wrapped around you from behind, spooning you.
"Mmm...Joker...wake up..."
He buried his face into your neck, groaning softly. You smiled and sat up, bringing him with you. "Come on Sleepyhead~" You said, kissing him on the head and getting out of bed, putting your clothes on.

He got up too, coming up from behind to cuddle you after putting his pants on. He kissed your neck gently and murmured,
"I have to go somewhere again today..."

You blushed, "O-okay, I'll see you soon." You turned around and kissed him deeply. He kissed you back passionately, making you groan.

After a while, he pulled away, and you almost whimpered, missing his warmth and touch. He smiled, "I love you Beauty..."

You nuzzled into his chest, "I love you too Joker..."


You went back to the infirmary to check on Ciel later in the evening after Joker left.

He looked even worse, lying there, gasping for breath as Sebastian kneeled next to him, looking worried. You went over just as the Doc left to look for something and Ciel murmured quietly, "This is an order, go to Hurolda Authorities, and identify the man wearing the signet ring, the registers are located in London, in Edinburgh, if I attempt to go with you now the Doctor will likely make a fuss, come back in the morning and fetch me then." You and Sebastian bowed, "Yes my Lord."

Ciel closed his eye.

"There we are, found it at last, now we just pour it on a rag and the-!" the Doc started but we had already left. "Oh? Hello?..."
When we got outside Sebastian said, "Very well, I think we shall begin with the-!"

Your eyes widened and you and Sebastian stepped back narrowly missing a hit from Suit's death scythe.

Sebastian narrowed his eyes, "You're interfering again, well this won't do at all." Suit stepped out in his pyjamas.

"And where do you think you're going? You aren't to be wandering around without your master," he pushed up his glasses.

"Now are you?"

Hey Guys

Thanks for reading. I'm really enjoying writing it. Sorry for making any mistakes and sorry if you think it's too similar to the anime. I'm just trying to add something extra to the story.

Thanks again Kiyo-chan out :3

Word Count: 3571

A Painted tear (Joker x OC) (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now