Baron Kelvin's Mansion

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"His fever seems to have calmed down," you smiled weakly at Ciel's sleeping form.

"His breathing is back to normal as well, and his colour is much better than yesterday," Sebastian smiled.

"He should recover fully soon," Agni said.

You nodded.

"What is it they say? That sleep is the great healer, it seems true in this case anyway," Sebastian said. You smiled as Agni tried to shake the sleeping Soma, sat next to Ciel's bed awake, "I think I should let him sleep as long as he's able," Sebastian said, moving the water bowl from Ciel's bedside table.

You exited the room with everyone else.

"Sebastian," Agni said, Prince Soma now on his back, still asleep, "May I have a moment? I wanted to apologise for yesterday, for getting carried away and raising my voice to you..."

"Nonsense, I'm glad you did, I found it very illuminating," Sebastian replied, smiling.

"But I never presumed to give you advice, I have always believed you to be a khansama without equal, it is I who should be learning his lessons from you," Agni smiled.

A muffled voice said, "You should work on being nicer..." Agni glanced back at Soma, "Your highness, I'm sorry I thought you were asleep after staying up all night tending to the Earl." Soma's arms tightened slightly around Agni.

"I am asleep, you are the one who is talking now, go on, move your lips, he's too scary to talk to."

Agni sighed, "You are not as kind to your master as I am, you should be a kinder khansama," you smiled as Agni's mouth moved in time with Soma's words.

Sebastian looked hurt, "I'm not kind enough? Is that so?"

"Yes it is. Ciel is still only a boy. He should get to lie about all day, being spoilt by his parents when he falls ill...except the boy doesn't have parents," Soma lets go of Agni and looks down, "Neither did I really, so I know what it's like."

You look down.

"However I had Mina, and an elderly servant to look after me and spoil me, so you..." He popped out from behind Agni, "So you should stop being such a cold khansama! And cuddle Ciel!" he jumped off Agni's back, "Be nice! Is that so hard?!" he ran around the corner...

"Don't forget what I said!" he popped his head around again, then ran off.

"My prince!" Agni sobbed, tears in his eyes, he clapped his hands together, "Oh, you are possessed of a beautiful soul!"

*********MINI TIMESKIP*********

You were helping Sebastian clean out the fireplace and you heard him muttering to himself.

The phone rang suddenly. Sebastian was brought out of his thoughts and looked surprised but answered the phone.



"Oh Tanaka?"


He wrote something down.



He continued.

"Yes yes, alright I understand, I shall tell the young Lord.

**********MINI TIMESKIP**********

Sebastian went into Ciel's room and you waited outside. You were called in moments later however.

"By the by Tanaka rang around 4'o clock and I took a message, he says Lady Elizabeth is visiting the manor," Sebastian said, making Ciel gasp.

Ciel heaved a long sigh.

A Painted tear (Joker x OC) (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now