The Final Straw

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Contains mature language and themes

You tensed and held on to Joker.
"Kiyomi! What is the meaning of this?! This is an order. Step away from Joker and let Sebastian dispose of him." Ciel yelled.
You looked up at them and smirked, "I am not your servant. I never formed a contract with you Ciel Phantomhive. You cannot order me around like your pet, Sebastian." "I never agreed to all this killing in fact I rather hate all this bloodshed."
Ciel pointed at Kelvin, "He is filth, a rat like him doesn't deserve to live."
"He has a strange taste in entertainment I agree but you forget that he adopted the circus members, when they were struggling by themselves, he may deserve to be locked up, but I do not think that killing him will solve anything."
Ciel gritted his teeth.
You suddenly felt a sudden chill run through your body and your eyes glowed slightly brighter as you scowled.
"My servants, they were actually soldiers who were handpicked to guard my manor." Ciel stated.
Joker gasped, "No..."
"They protect Phantomhive secrets and Phantomhive pride from anything."
Joker's eyes widened.
"After all... That's what makes a Phantomhive servant."
"P-private s-soldiers?"
"The Phantomhives are shadows that exist to dispel any concerns her majesty has regarding the underworld. Once you enter our den all hope is lost, you shall never again return to the light."
Joker looked down, "We're professionals too it won't be easy to-"
"You're free to believe what you like of course but lest you get too optimistic you keep in mind that I hired them," Sebastian waved his knife around mockingly before dropping it in front of Joker.
You saw Joker glance at Kelvin and shut his eyes tightly.
"My only family..." he mumbled more to himself, barely audible.
Tears started to pour down his cheeks, trickling down to his neck over the mark...
"Don't cry it's pathetic, crying won't change a thing, it doesn't matter who you are, the world is never kind," Ciel turned to face us, disgust laced in his voice.
"Smile please don't," Joker begged.
"I only have one name and that is not it, I am Ciel Phantomhive."
Your eyes glinted blue...

"I'm late but I'm not empty handed!" the Doc wheeled in, "What's this? Black, Smile and Beauty? You're here? That's odd."
"Go Doc! Leave now! Hurry! They work together as the Queen's guard dog!" Joker yelled at him, as you tried to keep him still.

"Oh? You're the one's? How interesting." Doc says

"Run! Get out while you can!" Joker yelled.
"Joker please..." you held onto his wound, trying to stop the bleeding.
"Me? Why should I?" he stood up from his wheelchair, making your eyes widen, "You and your circus freaks are the kidnappers, I only performed the services the good Baron Kelvin hired me for, I have no reason to run," he started walking down the stairs, towards us.
"What's going on? Your legs... They're not... You can walk." Joker looked up at him.
"Sorry? Ah right yes! Oh they're perfectly sound. I just find the chair useful, the children seem to trust me more easily when I'm in it," he turned to us, smiling.
He gasped when he spotted Kelvin's body, "Lord Kelvin!" he ran over, "Well I know a lost cause when I see one, what a shame that is, do you know how long it took me to find a patron who shared my ideals?"
"Your ideals?" Sebastian questioned.
"Oh absolutely I've been toiling away for years now, trying to create the perfect prosthetic! And I have! Yes after mountains of research I have finally found the perfect material, something lighter and stronger than wood and possessing the uniquely sterile beauty of ceramic, I created what no crafter before me had been able to," he picked up Joker's skeleton hand as you cradled Joker's weak form defensively.
"Although there is a problem with the material and that it is a touch hard to come by,"
"Yes, I do recall your prosthetics having the most marvellous texture," Sebastian said, "I would have to say the best comparison is bone china."
"I gratify that you can appreciate it's beauty, Black, but sadly you are off the mark, you're comparing my work to cattle bone china, it's far more special than that you see."
Ciel's eyes widened.
"Yes of course, how inconsiderate of me, you have mentioned your use of special materials," Sebastian replied.
"Exactly! Yes very special! Materials I can only get here."
He started to walk over to one of the cages.
Ciel's eyes widened, "Hold on, no that-!"
"Yes and it saves the trouble of dumping them somewhere," the Doctor grinned, "Waste not want not I always say."
Joker gasped.
"It couldn't be..." he screamed out.
"Why must all my patients act that way?"
You gritted your teeth and held onto Joker, "You're a fucking psychopath, that's why!"
"Our prosthetics... All this time we've been wearing..." more tears trailed down Joker's cheeks.

"Come now Joker, you've always been so pleased with the right hand just for you," the Doc smiled.

"If I'd known... I never would've wanted it..."

"You'd have turned down a working hand? Are you sure?"

Joker's eyes widened for a moment before he rested his head on my lap weakly, before letting go of your hand...

Your eyes widened.

"How tragic. With Baron Kelvin's death I will find myself unemployed, oh I say, Lord Phantomhive there's you! Would you hire me perhaps? Better still, introduce me to her majesty? She is getting on in her years right? Surely she could use a little maintenance so to speak? You've seen my work. I'm very good, you could give me a reference eh?"
The Doc spoke to Ciel as if nothing bad had ever happened in that chamber. It made you sick.

"Don't you dare say the Queen's name with your mouth," Ciel spat.

"Oh no, not another man with a limited amount of imagination who cares more about the process then the results," he opened a cage, "Everyone always sings my praises about the details, not the Baron though, he was different, his only concern was beauty, he spared no expense when it came to my materials and costs, he was the finest patron a man could ask for, he understood that making the final product requires the finest ingredients," he started to drag a child towards the table making Ciel's eyes widen.
"Something one would think was common sense," he placed her on the table, "A cow's bones are fine to use, a human's aren't, now who decided that? Not me."
He raised his tool.
You gasped.
It plunged into the little girl's chest.
Ciel and you screamed.
You shut your eyes tight and you saw him.
His claw pierced through Mel's abdomen as he smirked at you.
"NOOOOOOO!" You screamed.
Your eyes were bright blue and wide as you sliced through the Doc's throat with your claws.
You grabbed Joker in your arms and flew out of the building, clutching him to your chest as the building erupted in fire...

Hey Guys
It's getting deep
And some of you may think this story is coming to an end
Sadly not
Sorry guys 😂
I have more ideas to do with Kiyomi to add in
I gave you a little bit of a taste in this chapter so hopefully if you keep reading you'll find out more.
You also need to find out what happened to the other circus members
If you've seen the anime or read the manga don't spoil it!
You'll find out later what happened
Also I've been having a little trouble with some people at school what I mean by having a little trouble is actually being a jealous, overprotective and obsessed bitch also school in general is stressing me out so I may not be up to updating.
Hopefully will though as it's getting exciting.
Lemme know of there are any mistakes
Anyway until next time!
Kiyo-chan out :3

Word Count: 1188

A Painted tear (Joker x OC) (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now