INTERVIEW WITH... Stoneroftheyear

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INTERVIEWS WITH... stoneroftheYear


Please introduce yourself…

My Wattpad name is StoneroftheYear but irl I'm just Tom Stoner :)

Name one of your books and give a short description of it / why you think we should read it…

My favourite book is reasons why I fucking hate you and i like it because I am naturally grumpy

When did you join wattpad? How long have you been a member?

I'm not sure when I joined, its been a while though

What was your first book?

My first completed story was the Justin Beiber hate poem, I must admit when I compare the amount of reads to the effort I put in I am very impressed with myself

How has your writing style changed over your time on wattpad?

My style hasn't changed, I write to make people laugh and if they don't laugh then they should go read else where

What is one thing you hate? / can’t stand?

Just because I'm the cookie fairy and always give away cookies, it doesn't mean I have some on me all the time

What inspires you to write?

I never really felt inspired, I was more bored if anything

What type of person would you class yourself as?

Well, I'm either in a really good mood and try to make everyone smile or I'm feeling down and act like a miserable git to everyone

What’s one of the most embarrassing things that’s happened to you / you’ve wrote?

It's not quite as embarrassing as awkward but I'm having trouble with this guy at school who likes me and he's just really awkward to be around now I know this is how he feels about me

Do you have things a certain way when writing? Like certain conditions?

Yes, my books should never be suitable for children, people will have to find my works as a lot of them are R rated so they can't make the front page >:D

What book/s are you reading at the moment?

Lord of the Flies, not my choice, it's not even that good :/

Who is your favourite author?  (either generally or on wattpad)

Darran Shan is easily my favourite author, in comparison to other books they actually appeal to my level of (im)maturity

Random question but what’s your favourite… candyfloss, ice cream, candy, crisp(includes Doritos) or cookies ?

Well, I am of course the cookie fairy so cookies are my favourite, if only the cookie elves would make more though :(

Do you put messages in your books?

Yes, hatred and humility

What do you want to do for a career?

Accountingy-Banky sort of stuff coz it pays well, but my dream job would be beer tester at my local brewery

Where are you from?


Name one celebrity that, if given the chance, you would slap with a fish.

Wayne Roony, that way when he gets home his wife will question the fishy smell >:D

Favourite word at the moment?

At the moment it is Bedunkadunk, fun to say and has a funny meaning :'D

Is there anything you find particularly challenging? In life or writing?

Yes, understanding why women don't take much pride in their appearance and constantly seek the attention of others just so that they can believe someone cares I change my own bed :P

Skinny jeans or baggy jeans guy?

Baggy FTW

Fancy some shameless self promotion?

Fuck that!

Some last words for the readers of this interview…

Yes, bedunkadunk :3


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