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Please introduce yourself…

Hi, I'm Dark-Violet, or Violet Dark, which ever you prefer

Name one of your books and give a short description of it / why you think we should read it…

My longest book is called Living With Damon and Stefan, it's a Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction about a witch, Marni, and how she fits into the Salvatore brother's lives. She's known them since they were human, and she lives with them in Mystic Falls, where they meet Elena, the doppleganger of Katherine, the brother's past love.

At what age did you start to write?…

I started writing at the age of 12, and I haven't stopped since.

When did you join wattpad? How long have you been a member?

I joined Wattpad in May, 2010, and I have been a member since then, and I plan to be a member for a lot longer than that.

What was your first book?

My first book was A New Life, it's a Twilight Fan Fiction.

How has your writing style changed over your time on wattpad?

My writing used to be rushed and with bad punctuation, and I never used to edit my writing, so that was a problem, but now I do, and I take time writing my new chapter's on Wattpad, so my writing's improved a fair bit, I suppose.

What is one thing you hate? / can’t stand?

The one thing I can't stand is people without humor, or imagination. It aggrovates me so much.

What type of book do you prefer to read / write?

On Wattpad I prefer to read and write Fan Fictions, but I do like occasional teen romance drama's. With actual books I buy from bookstore's, I like to read fantasy, worlds about magic and witch's and vampires, etc.

What inspires you to write?

Hmm... What inspires me to write... Well, when I watch a new episode of Vampire Diaries, or watch Twilight again or something, I get inspired to write new chapters for my stories, and when I get comments on a chapter I've recently posted, and sometimes I'll be sitting there and a new idea will come to me, and I'll have a huge urge to write.

What type of person would you class yourself as?

I'm a very insanely random person. I guess I'm nice, and pretty funny, from what others have told me. I'm also one of the most sarcastic people you'll meet, and I'm very stubborn.

What’s one of the most embarrassing things that’s happened to you / you’ve wrote?

One of the most embarrasisng thing's that had happened to me would have to be when I walked out of the toilet's one time, and my dress was stuck in my underwear... In my defence, I was only 8! 

Do you have things a certain way when writing? Like certain conditions?

I don't have a certain way of writing things, although I prefer to listen to music while I'm doing it.

What book/s are you reading at the moment?

I'm currently reading a book called Skulduggery Pleasant. It would have to be my favorite book EVER. It's amazing. I think I mentioned it in Living With Damon and Stefan

Who is your favourite author?  (either generally or on wattpad)

My favoriteauthor would be Derek Landy, the author of Skulduggery Pleasant. He's good at writing action, and he's a very funny writer.

What’s your earliest memory?

My earliest memory is when I was 2. It was my birthday, and I was hiding behind my door because I was shy, and people were waiting for me to come out.

Random question but what’s your favourite… candyfloss, ice cream, candy, crisp(includes Doritos) or cookies ?

My favourite would have to be Doritos, which coincidently I was eating while I wrote this.

Do you put messages in your books?

Hmm... Do I put message's in my books, well, I try and tell my fan's to be extremely insane and random, if that's what you mean

What do you want to do for a career?

For a career, I would love to be an author. I've always wanted to be one, and I probably always will. But other than that, I would like to get into Administration.

Where are you from?

I'm from Queensland, Australia. I'd tell you what town, but it's embarassing, so I won't.

Which of your books do you think is the most popular? And why do you think that is?

I think Living With Damon And Stefan is my most popular book because it's in the what's hot list regularly, and I get a lot of votes and comments on it.

What is one thing that you regret the most?

What I regret most, would be not writing sooner. I'm not sure if it's my biggest, but it's all I can think of right now.

Name one celebrity that, if given the chance, you would slap with a fish.

I would slap Ian Somerhalder with a fish, because it would be funny. But I'd hug him to death afterwards, because, who wouldn't? :D

Favourite word at the moment?

Favourite word would be verisimilitude

Is there anything you find particularly challenging? In life or writing?

I find wearing clothes challenging. It's such a hassel. Why can't we all just walk around naked? I'm kidding. I find being normal challenging. It just doesn't work for me.

Who does your covers?

I'm proud to say, I do my own covers. People have offered to before, but I prefer doing my own.

Skirt or trousers girl?

I'm deffinitely a trousers girl. I never wear skirts. I wear dresses sometimes, but I'm always wearing leggings with them. I usually wear skinnies

Fancy some shameless self promotion?

So yeah, who ever's reading this should check out some of my books, you might like them. Eh? EH?

Some last words for the readers of this interview…

Every single one of you is a dandelion! Jokes, you're all nice people :D 


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