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Please introduce yourself…

WenWenNeo: Well, that’s what a profile is for, isn’t it? Lol, ok. I’m Amelia Neo, a singer and writer. I can barely stand romances but I try to tolerate them. I’m also really scared of the things under my bed and in my closet.

Name one of your books and give a short description of it / why you think we should read it…

WenWenNeo: Well one of them is called My Past Is Your Demise. It’s a Twilight Fan Fiction that expresses what should’ve happened in New Moon. To simplify, no more whiny and mopey Bella!

You should read it because I’m tyring to prove that you can write a story that appeals to both haters and lovers!

At what age did you start to write?…

WenWenNeo: I started to write when I could. That meant at grade 1.

When did you join wattpad? How long have you been a member?

WenWenNeo: I joined Wattpad on Feb 4th. If you Want to know how long I’ve been here… use a calculator. I’m just too lazy J

What was your first book?

WenWenNeo: My first book was called Shattered. I wrote it the first day I got on Wattpad!

How has your writing style changed over your time on wattpad?

WenWenNeo: Well, for one thing, I try not to randomly capitalize letters J I’ve also gotten help from other members that I really appreciate. One of which is Kara_writes!

What is one thing you hate? / can’t stand?

WenWenNeo: Twilight… ‘nuff said.

What type of book do you prefer to read / write?

WenWenNeo: Horrors and Thrillers are really good to read and write. They always keep you on your feet and they force you to use that squishy pink thing in your head!

What inspires you to write?

WenWenNeo: Well, everything inspires me. It started out with boredom, but now I actually write because it’s fun and because I like it!

What type of person would you class yourself as?

WenWenNeo: A jerk at times, very pessimistic, and I have a really bad anger issue in real life. I’m also bluntly honest and more of a music freak!

What’s one of the most embarrassing things that’s happened to you / you’ve wrote?

WenWenNeo: Once, I was having a chat with a person and I accidently said something that I don’t even want to explain here…

Do you have things a certain way when writing? Like certain conditions?

WenWenNeo: Um, no. I write unconditionally!

What book/s are you reading at the moment?

WenWenNeo: I;m currently reading Mockingjay and Wattpad stories! 

Who is your favourite author? (either generally or on wattpad)

WenWenNeo: My favorite author on Wattpad is @Nadie_Rae! She’s incredibly awesome and funny!

What’s your earliest memory?

WenWenNeo: I don’t remember. I have so many of them, but none of them have a date stamp!

Random question but what’s your favourite… candyfloss, ice cream, candy, crisp(includes Doritos) or cookies ?

Do you put messages in your books?

WenWenNeo: Not unless I’m making fun of them…

What do you want to do for a career?

WenWenNeo: Sing, play the piano, or write stories!

Where are you from?

WenWenNeo: Canada!

Which of your books do you think is the most popular? And why do you think that is?

WenWenNeo: My Twilight one. It got 1000 reads in 2 weeks! It’s probably really popular because I update pretty fast and I advertise a LOT!

What is one thing that you regret the most?

WenWenNeo: Quitting my piano classes…

Name one celebrity that, if given the chance, you would slap with a fish.

WenWenNeo: Kristen Stewart! ;)

Favourite word at the moment?

WenWenNeo: Payphone!

Is there anything you find particularly challenging? In life or writing?

WenWenNeo: Writing profiles. I can never get them right!

Who does your covers?

WenWenNeo: I do them myself!

Skirt or trousers girl?

WenWenNeo: Trousers, or pants. No one says trousers anymore…

Fancy some shameless self promotion?

WenWenNeo: Yeah! That would be awesome!

Some last words for the readers of this interview...

WenWenNeo: I am Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die! (Inigo Montoya; Princess Bride)

~A/N: sorry for the random lines, don't know why they appeared :/

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