Chapter 1: First Mission

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The men knocked on his door and Jack closed his laptop and walked to the door, "Mr. Mcloughlin may we come in?" One of the men asked "yeah sure!" Jack said standing out of their way and closing the door behind them, "Mr. Mcloughlin we have seen your skill on hacking and things like that! Our last hacker got a bullet through his skull and so we lost him, we need you! So here's our number and just call us up if your interested! There will be a try out! But I don't think you'll need it because you look pretty spry and smart! So just give us a call and thank you for your time!" The man explained and got up off the couch "will do!..." Jack said looking at the card, Jack got up and opened the door for them.

On that night Jack called them up and said that he was interested, they accepted and they went and picked him up and drove back to the company, "Mark and Felix! We have a new guy coming so be prepared!" Ken informed "sure thing!" Felix said turning off his computer and walking with Mark to Ken's office, the men got Jack out of the car and walked him up to Ken's office, they opened the door and Jack was met with Mark and Felix, Jack walked up to the desk and was also met with Ken "hello Sean my name is Ken! I am glad you came because these two need your help! But first we'll give you guys an easy task! Your mission is to get a precious jewel without being caught, "but c'mon without being caught thy never work!" Felix said looking at Mark, "it sounds like fun! I'm in! Oh and you can call me Jack!" Jack said cheerfully, the boys looked at Jack and was amazed at his enthusiasm, "okay boys show Jack here where to get changed and let him pick a colour!" Ken instructed, Mark and Felix showed Jack where to get changed and Jack was jumping about like a kid in a candy store, they went in and got changed in their stalls and Jack quickly chose one, Jack went into the stall and got dressed, Felix came out in a blue one piece suit with a golden belt, Mark came out in a red and black one piece suit also with a golden belt, Jack came out in a green one piece suit that also had a golden belt, Felix and Mark looked at Jack and looked him up and down, "try not to attract any attention!" Felix said jokingly, Jack was jumping around again like a little kid, they climbed up on the roof and Jack looked over the side of the building, Jack gulped and stood back, Felix and Mark were getting ready to jump across the roofs but when they saw that Jack's face they noticed that there was a green pattern forming from his left eye, they ignored it, "hello? Earth to Jack?" Felix said waving a hand in front of his face "oh yeah! Sorry I blank out sometimes! Anyway let's go!" Jack said getting a run up and then jumping to the next roof "WAIT YOU don't know how to do that...yet!" Mark yelled but noticed that they were far behind Jack, "C'MON GUYS! ITS NOT A MOTHERS MEETIN'!" Jack yelled out to them, they started to jump the roofs and then got to Jack, "okay um...Jack what are you doing?..." Mark asked looking up at him, "climbing! C'mon!" Jack said smiling down at them, "hmm looks like he's not so bad after all!" Felix said grabbing a hold of the windowsill and pulling himself up, Jack stopped at one window and climbed to the side and opened the window, Jack slid in and the others is too when they got to the winow, "geez dude your fast! Calm your legs!" Felix said jokingly "oh whoops sorry! It's just so exciting!" Jack said looking around the corner and checking for guards, "you know that I'm the one who's suppose to be checking for guards!" Felix whispered "well you guys are so slow!" Jack giggled, Felix looked around the corner and ran up the stairs and Mark and Jack followed, "okay Jack you go to computer room and hack the computers and turn the cameras off! Felix you go and get information on the jewel!--" Mark said being interrupted by Jack, "almost done!" Jack said cutely "and done! Oh fuck! Uhh can someone come help me! I'm kinda in a weapon against no weapon situation!" Jack said quietly, "you've got a gun in your pocket!" Mark said carefully making his way to the computers, "nope he's taken it! Okay! Don't worry about me! I'll be out soon!" Jack assured, Jack turned around and saw a gun to his head, Jack carefully and slowly got up, Jack quickly grabbed the gun and twisted it around and kicked the guy in the gut and punched him in the face knocking him out, Jack got up and walked out of the computer room, "Mark! Your meant to be getting the jewel!" Jack said surprised "wow! I didn't know you could do that!" Mark said with wide eyes, "well the last job I had was to steal stuff or get stuff to safety so I kind of had to be a fighter! I kind of had to learn the hard way!" Jack explained scratching the back of his neck, "okay so guys I've checked there are guards to your right but a vent above them! I'm thinking Mark if you give Jack a boost Jack could climb through! And Mark Jack can pull you up! Okay so just try to be as quiet as possible!" Felix instructed, "sure thing!" Jack said getting ready to open the vent, Mark put his hands out in front of him and they were clashed together, Jack put a hand on Mark's shoulder and put his foot on his hand, Jack pushed himself up and Mark pushed him the rest of the way, Jack got up and turned around, Jack put his arms down for Mark to grab, Mark grabbed him and Jack started to pull him up, Mark got in and they quietly crawled through the vent, Felix guided them towards the area with the jewel in it, Jack let Mark squeeze by and jump down, "Jack let go I got you!" Mark whispered loudly, Jack closed his eyes and dropped, Mark caught him and Jack fluttered his eyes open, Mark put Jack down and blushed a little and so did Jack, Jack looked around and his whole left eye was green, "target acquired!" Jack whispered giving hand motions for Mark to go left, Jack sneaked around the right and sprayed around the jewel to check for lasers, Mark nearly had a heart attack as he almost touched one, Jack pressed the button on his belt and it shot out a little cube, Jack placed it in the laser hole, Jack did it again but he got two cubes this time and put the others in the other holes, "Jack! It's weighed out so you'll have to find something!" Felix spoke through the ear piece, "I've got just the thing!" Jack smiled and got another cube, Jack put some green gloves on and got the jewel while Mark took out the guards, Jack got the cube and placed it in the jewels spot, a guard got away from Mark but he didn't see him and so he went for Jack, "JACK LOOK OUT!!" Felix shouted through the ear piece only to hear him get tazed, Mark saw the guard and saw Jack on the floor spazzing out, Mark ran at the guard and side tackled him to the ground and knocked him out, Mark picked Jack up and bolted to Felix, Felix opened the door and got some spare gear to get Jack down and out of the building, Felix called the chopper and it came after the call ended, Mark got in the back with Jack and Felix got in the front with the driver and helped guide the chopper, Mark held Jack and saw that he looked so peaceful, so...cute.

{Mark's POV}

As I held Jack I looked at him and thoughts ran through my mind, he looked so peaceful!, so unharmful!, adorable, he won't be waking up for a while!.

They got back to the company and Mark went to their small personal hospital on the third floor and placed Jack in a bed, Mark went and got changed and came back to Jack, Mark wore black jeans with black vans and a white shirt with a vest, Mark was sitting in a chair looking at him and waiting for him to wake up, Felix walked in and sat in the other chair next to Mark, "how long has he been out?" Felix asked turning to Mark, "an hour...I hope he wakes up! We can't loose another hacker!...we just can't afford to! And plus Ken mightn't be mad that we failed an easy one because he's hurt!" Mark said sadly, "okay boys you might've failed this but it's okay it was quiet hard! Is Jack okay?...!" Ken said frantically "yeah he's fine! Why are you so worried?" Felix asked curiously, "well I promised his mother that he wouldn't get hurt! And plus Minx is on her way!...".

Heyo guys! IM SICK?! Yaaaay! Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter if you did tell me down in the comments below and go ahead and give that vote button a big hug! And maybe some soup

Good Day!

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