Chapter 1. Reunion Sex

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"How big a fortune are we talking?" asked Dr. Georgina Orwell curiously. Count Olaf chuckled, smirked evilly, and rubbed his long, dirty fingertips together. 

"Let me in my dove and I'll tell you everything!" he purred in his deep voice.

 Georgina hesitated and turned her pretty face away from him, thinking hard. As tempting as this was, this was the same man who had thrown her in the lake twenty years ago, knowing full well that she was a poor swimmer, and left her there to drown. Hell, this was the same man whose picture she'd been throwing darts at moments ago - the same man who'd she'd given her virginity to - and he'd repaid her by breaking her heart. She'd sworn to never forgive him for what he'd done and to never let him darken her doorway again. She'd taken a solemn oath that her office and home would be closed to him forever, even during regular business hours.  But despite all this her hard, cold black heart had leaped at the sound of his voice, and in spite of her anger and hurt, her love for him had never truly died, just been pushed down so deep that her hatred had consumed it. Now, not only was he back, but was also offering another chance to destroy those fucking Baudelaires: well their miserable children this time, and a chance at fortune. This was way too good to pass up! She'd give him one more chance. But not without warning. She finally turned back to Olaf, who was waiting patiently for her answer.  "Alright I'll give you one last chance". Olaf grinned and started to open the door, but she stopped him with her black boot. "But," she began, her gray eyes flashing dangerously and her husky voice turning to ice. "And listen closely because I'm not going to say it again. If I let you in my house and become your girlfriend again, you better not fuck up again because you'll never get another chance, you put me through fucking hell and if you ever betray me again I'll kill you!" 

Instead of scaring him as she intended, her warning had given him a raging boner, he'd always loved her spirit, her fierceness, her strength, her toughness, her independence and pride, and he'd been afraid he'd destroyed that and he was delighted to see it still remained, this was the same brilliant, beautiful, woman he'd fallen in love with at Prufrock Preparatory Academy so many years ago! But along with his arousal he felt small pangs of remorse and sadness. (guilt was a very new feeling to him) He'd broken her heart and had to live without her for twenty years because of it. (let me be clear he wasn't feeling guilty that he'd hurt her, but simply that it had denied him of her sweet body.)   

"Perish the thought my dear." "I swear to you Gina, I'll never betray you again." he whispered. "Leaving you to drown  was the biggest mistake I ever made." "For twenty years all it got me was a broken heart and an empty bed that could never be filled!" "Now that I've come back to you, I'm going to somehow make this right." "Because life is so short, it is so rare to meet, to find someone who shares one's brilliance, one's charm, one's dubious moral code in a world gone gloriously wrong." "Such people must stick together like comrades, like partners, like soulmates!" At the word soulmates, he looked close to tears. Georgina's hard heart softened at the love and  tenderness in his voice (through she wasn't sure of its legitimacy.) 

"Very well, but don't make me regret it," she said begrudgingly. And with that she moved her foot and opened the door, letting him in.

 Olaf stepped into her warm home and saw her fully for the first time in twenty years. She looked to be in her forties or somewhat, but she was no less gorgeous then the last time he saw her, if anything, she was more. Her hair wasn't the dishwater blonde he remembered, it was dyed chocolate brown and it sat on her shoulders in a long bob, disheveled with long, blunt bangs over her piercing slate-gray eyes, which were framed in black kohl eyeliner and black lashes. She was five foot four, eight inches shorter then his six foot so she came up to his chest. She wore a knee-length black and white striped dress with black straps on the chest that made the shape of diamonds on a taupe undershirt. A long lab-coat made of white satin and fastened with a gold clasp, over top of it, which showed off her bust- the word bust here means breasts- and black high-heeled boots.  She wore a pair of  big, black, tan, and yellow framed glasses. Her porcelain skin was flawless, her rosy lips as full as he remembered and his shiny blue-gray eyes suddenly burned with lust for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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