Lets hope this works

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To my luck, Catch my sarcasm, we hung out all day. And to my joy Amanda left, catch my sarcasm again. Once she left, it was just me and Blake, and boy was I terrified. The boy I have been enemies with my entire time I have known him is sitting I front of me trying to play Mr. Nice guy.

"So, I'm have something to say," Blake stated.

"Blake, save it. I don't need any of your jokes to put me down ok?" I practically shouted at him. Tears were boiling in my eyes but I held them back, I was not about to let him see my cry.

"Jessica, I'm trying to apologize. I'm sorry I have been mean to you all these years, I know you may never forgive me but Im trying..." He was going to continue until I cut him off.

"Save it for when Amanda is here, I know this is a bunch of 'horse poo' and your not really sorry, just leave me alone." As I turned around I let the tears fall from my eyes, and I began running. I didn't stop until I ran into my friend Sarah. She had her headphones in but she took both of them out when he saw me. That showed me how much she cares, Sarah never takes out one headphone let alone two for someone.

"What's wrong?" She asked after hugging me, while stroking my long brown hair.

"Blake upset me..." I trailed off.

"Let me see your wrists now!" I didn't listen until I realized it wasn't a question, it was a demand. I pulled up my sleeve to reveal scarred wrists, but no scars fresh.

"Good, no fresh cuts." She pulled up her sleeve to show me her wrist, "me either, we are both doing a good job!" She exclaimed, she is rarely happy. She is usually only happy when she is with me, and we make each other happy, that is why we are best friends.

"May I join you?" I asked pointing to the curb she was sitting on before I interrupted her.

"Yes you may!" She sad while gesturing towards the curb. We both laughed and both put in one headphone, I didn't recognize the song until the words came on, "Is there a right way for how this goes," I started screaming, it was roger rabbit by Sleeping With Sirens, one of my favorite bands.

As it reached lunch time I realized I should get home, I called my mom but there was no answer. So I decided to call my aunt, or Meggan's mom. She answers within a heart beat, "What's wrong sweetie?" She asked, her voice struck with worry.

"Nothing is wrong, I was just wondering if you could pick me up from the park?" I said trying to re-assure her.

"Ok, no problem. I'll be there in five minutes." She said, making her smile obvious in her voice. That is why I love her, she never asks why.

After she picked me up and dropped me off at home, I decided to take a nap. You would think I'm a five year old with the way I act. I woke up to my mom shouting "Dinners ready!"

I groaned and got up, I walked down stairs and ate my dinner. Afterwards I went back upstairs and went to sleep. I was tired as f*ck but I couldn't stop thinking about if I should forgive Blake or not. I made up my mind that I will, decide tomorrow.

Blake's POV

After she ran away, I was worried. I really did feel sorry but she wouldn't believe me, I was worried so I went to look for her. I found her hugging Sarah and crying, I didn't want to get beat up by Sarah because Sarah protects Jessica like a momma bear protects her cubs so I went home.

I really wanted to end our feuding so I called Amanda and told her everything that happened after she left. After explaining, she agreed to talk to her before I meet up with them tomorrow. I wanted to go to sleep but I felt really bad, I finally decided that when Amanda goes home I will try to warm Jessica up to me. Lets hope this works.....

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