chapter 2

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I was holding Harry's hand in choir and I couldn't help but feel..Nice when I was holding it. I know Harry's a nice guy but I can't fall for him, I can't let my heart get broken anymore. We are now in art for our second elective and Harry's sitting next to me and we are just painting. I like to mix paint on a sponge and just dab it on the paper and then once it's dry I write something in the middle. I think Harry's doing the same thing but he looks very focused. He looks cute when he makes that face, wait fawn you don't think he's cute. After art he puts his stuff on the rack and we walk out together, when we walk the hallways get really crowded and I feel Harry grab my hand and I look at him and he says "my anxiety, many people, not okay" I hold onto his hand and tell him to breathe and he takes a couple deep breaths "it's a-alright Harry, I'm h-here u'll b-be okay" he nods and we walk through the crowed hallways hand in hand. When he had his hand in mine it felt like I wasn't missing anything anymore, I was complete but that's not good...We arrive at class and we walk in and people give us stares and I realize I am still holding Harry's hand. I quickly let go and all of a suden he had this sense of sadness on his face. Was it because I let go? I carry on with class and these 4 hours fly by fast and now it's time for lunch. I walk in with Harry right behind me cause he's new and he has no one to sit with. We pass by coby's table and he looks at me and says "ew" and I say "shut up" Harry shoots him a glare and we sit down. Megan smiles at me cause she is determined that we are a 'power couple' but we aren't even together. I start to talk to Megan and we get our food and sit down, I go to pick up something but then drop it and it leaves a mark in the top of my jeans and I stand up and say "what the heck?!" And I hear Coby say to me "fawn shut up" and Harry stands up and says "hey you! I don't like you and I suggest you stay away from my fawn or else" Coby has a blank look and turns around, he can talk up alot but he actually can't back it up. I say "thank you Harry" and he says "no problem princess" I tie my jacket around my waist to cover up the stain and I sit back down and look at Harry and say "my fawn? Princess?" He blushes and says "yea..I'm sorry" I laugh lightly and shake my head and say "d-dont be sorry h-harry..But why did you call me princess?" He blushes and smiles and says "you know how a princess should be protected by her prince?" I nod and he continues "well you are a princess and I feel like I need to protect you, you are like a fragile beautiful soul that needs someone to protect them" I smile and says "h-harry i-i" he stops me "I know it's stupid you don't have to tell me" I shake my head "n-no Harry it's n-not stupid..t-thats the s-sweetest thing i-ive ever heard" he smiles and pulls me into his side and we sit there for the rest of lunch until the bell rings, I know I've only known him for a couple hours but I feel like I've know him for years. I'm so lucky to have a friend like harry Edward styles..Yea friends..That's what I want..

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