chapter 7

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I open my eyes and I try to move but then I remember I was taking a nap with Harry and he had me locked in his embrace and I felt protected. I kiss his jaw and his eyes flutter open to meet mine and he says "good afternoon princess" I smile and say "good a-afternoon my love" he doesn't let go, he keeps me in his embrace but I don't mind. "Babe are y-you hungry?" I ask he nods and says "kinda" I kiss his nose and say "well then let's g-get something t-to eat" he still doesn't let go and I say "Harry" he looks down at me and he says "but I don't want to let go" i giggle a little and I say "Harry p-please" he doesn't let go but he sits up with me still locked in his embrace and he says "wrap your legs around my waist" I do as told and with him still holding onto me he stands up and he doesn't let go. We walk down the stairs and my mom give me a confused look and I say "we w-were cuddling and h-he didn't want t-to let go of m-me" my mom says "awe" and Harry laughs and says "she's my precious princess and I want to hold her with ever chance I have" I smile at Harry and he kisses me and he walks us into the kitchen and I say "a-are you sure i-im not too heavy h-harry?" He nods and says "you're as light as a board baby" I smile and hide my face in his neck and give it a kiss and when I lift my head back up he has a smile on his face and so do I. "So Harry w-what would you l-like to eat?" He shrugs and says "I'll have whatevr your having" I nod and say "alright n-now you have to p-put me down" he pouts and I say "please h-harry" he sighs and gently puts me down and I say "thank y-you" he is still pouting and he says "now I feel cold and empty" I walk over to him and kiss him and say "we'll lay b-back down after w-we get some food A-Alright" he nods and says "fine" I smile and make each if us a sandwich with chips and he says "thanks beautiful" I blush and say "your w-welcome" we eat our food and harrys says "can we cuddle now?" I sigh and say "yes Harry" and laugh and he smiles and runs upstairs and my mom says "I really like him fawn" I give her a look and say "he's m-mine mother" we both laugh and she says "I'm serious fawn he seems like a great guy that will treat you right" I smile and say "he is and h-he will, I k-know it" my mother was about to say something until I hear Harry yell "princess I miss you" she smiled and says "your prince awaits" I smile and run upstairs and I say "i-im here Harry" and I crawl into bed and he says "I missed your presents baby" I smile and say "I didn't miss y-you a little" he looks sad and I say "I m-missed you alot" and he smiles and says "I thought you were serious I was about to get really sad fawn" and we laugh and I say "I'll a-always miss you" he smiles and says "I'll always miss you too" we cuddle for a couple more hours and he says "mum wants me home I'm sorry babe" I pout and say "it's a-alright, I'll m-miss you though" he smiles and says "I'll miss you too babe" we stand up and he pulls me close my my waist and he kisses me and I say "i-i love you h-harry" he smiles "I love you too Fawn" we go down stairs and he says goodbye to my mom and and he gives me a quick kiss before walking out the door. Once he's gone my mother drags me onto the couch and says "alright spill the details" I laugh and say "well I w-was walking into school and I w-went to homeroom and once it was t-time to go to my first elective, i-i saw Harry and he had c-coby up against the lockers saying t-that he almost r-ruined things for m-me and him and how i-i didn't forgive him yet and C-Coby told Harry to put him d-down cause he wasn't going to do a-anything and Harry was about t-to punch him but I t-told him to put him down cause h-he wasn't worth it and he dropped him to the ground and C-Coby said something while walking away a-and Harry was about to go after him until I kissed him and he t-told me h-he did it cause he l-love me and that's when I knew he w-was the one mom" she has a smile on her face and she says "Fawn that's a beautiful story" I blush and she says "you really love him?" I nod and say "i-i do mom" she smiles and says "I'm so happy for you" I smile and say "h-hes amazing" and we sit there on the couch just talking about Harry and all I can say is love at first sight exists...

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