Chapter 3

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Bebe's P.O.V
"Kyle?! Kylee?!" I yelled. where can he be?

"Kyle?!" I called out again. There he is.
He was standing outside the library, holding a couple of books. I had to tell him, about Wendy, he was very close to Stan so maybe, just maybe he will know what to do.

"Kyle! Hey! Have you seen Stan?!" I asked.

"No, Bebe. I haven't seen him since the whole Wendy's fight this morning." Kyle said. "But, why are you so concern about Stan?"

"It's Wendy! I think Wendy is going back to her old self, well it's like she opening her Inner self! Which is not good!" I said.

"What you mean? She isn't herself? Wendy is Wendy, maybe your over reacting, and thinking about it to much." Kyle said.

"No! I'm not Kyle! I've seen her eyes! Those eyes! Are the same eyes when she sent Ms. Ellen to the sun!" I said. Kyle just stood there shock, he knows what really happen to Ms. Ellen, he was there when it happen, he even question about how none of it made sense on why they took Ms. Ellen away.

"Kyle, look you seen it yourself. That's why I need your help, to warn Stan, and help Wendy! Before it's to late! This morning, incident was a warning sign! We have to act now!" I said, basically begging him to help me.

"I-I don't know Bebe, I really don't want to get involved." Kyle said.

"Ain't Stan your best friend?! Do it for him!" I yelled. Kyle didn't say none, after that. He just stood there looking at me.

"You know what?! You're just wimp! I don't need your help anyways!" I said, walking away.

Who needs Kyle right?! I can do this on my own! Besides Wendy won't let herself get easily controlled!

kyle's P.O.V

Man, sheesh, whats gotten into Bebe. First asking my help, and then telling me she doesn't.

But Maybe, she was right, maybe I should of help her, but it's been long time since Wendy did what she did for Ms. Ellen.

Knowing Wendy, she probably had political fight with that girl, but Wendy did seem to be the jealous type when Stan was with girls.  And is very smart so she can get way with things but...

Ahh, I don't know what to think any more! This feeling of Gulityness is torturing me!

"Hey Jew!" Cartman said.

"What do you want fatass!" I said. I really don't want to deal with Cartman shit right now.

"I'm not fat you fucking Jew!" Cartman yelled!

"If were just going to have a pointless fight, then I'm just leaving!" I said beginning to walk away.

"Wait! What if I told you I can help you with your Stan and Wendy situation?" Cartman said.

"Wait, How do you know?!" I said. What is he up to?

"I over heard you and Bebe talking about it. And I may have a way, to help you guys!" Cartman said.

"What? quit bluffing! You hate Wendy!" I said.

"True. I can't stand the bitch, but this is the perfect time for the Coon to show everyone on South Park on how amazing he is!" Cartman said.

"No, no Cartman! Not this shit again! You just want all the credit! And push everyone aside!" I yelled.

"Fine! We do Coon's and friends?! Happy Kyle! With everyone's help we can stop the evil bitch Wendy!" Cartman yelled.

"Ugh, I don't know." I said. Im really not sure about this, especially if Cartmam is involved.

"Think about it Kyle! What other plan do you have! I know your desperate, let go of that Jew pride of yours! And accept my help!" Cartman said.

Mocking me, of course he taking advantage of me right now! He wants me to give into him, but then again, to bet evil you need another evil. And thats Cartman for you. A Big fat of evil.

"Fine, Cartman. Lets bring Coon's and friends and destory Wendy's inner self for good!" I said.

End. Of Chaper 3!

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