Chapter 1

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A/N : Zoey Deutch as Scarlette Andrewson






And much more. It's never ending of bad names. I really don't know how to react with it now cause I get ot everyday. Last time ? I'll cry or wail but it's no used. Nobody will even care. They'll just laugh but what am I gonna do ? It's my life of a sad and lonely bullied girl. Yes,im being bullied. By who you might ask. The Dolan twins. Your typical bad boy,prince charming and it's every girls dream to be with them. But for me ? Nahh im just a rag china doll to them and a slut. The funny thing is I haven't even lose my virginity yet. Heck, I haven't had my first kiss. Ehh it's a normal thing for someone who get bullied. No one will ever understand your pain.

My parents ? I dont thing I have one to be honest. Even if I have one,they didnt have the rights to be called parents. My 'dad' is an alcoholic. He will also abuse me. My 'mom' is a hoe. She will bring a new guy to fuck with everyday. The only person who kept me alive is my brother. He is the person who supported me and I dont even have any friends. Well I used to have some but they are just some backstabbing bitches. Oh well,that's life and you cant depend too much on someone. Why ? Even your own shadow leaves you,honey. I do think that life is just meant for you to be alone.

"Scar ? Scar ?!" A male voice snapped me out of my thought. I blinked my eyes twice before saying  "Huh ? What " "Oh my god,Scar ! You just zoned out. Again. Scar-" he groaned as i cut him off before he can say anything. "Oh sorry. Just thinking." I respond. He sighed. "Scarlette you have been in you La La Land for three times and what is wrong with your face ? For goodness sake ! A swollen lips and bruised eyes ! What happen " his tone is getting higher and higher. Geez he is so damn protective of me. Well of course he is damn angry. Luckily he didn't know anything about the bully thing. Its enough with him being damn protctive of me because how "perfect" my relationship with my parents.

"Im fine,A. I just fell a school okay ?" A small smile was forced out from my lips. Before he can say anything, I quickly get it from my seat. "Oh shit ! Im running late. Got to go !" With that, I quickly dashed towards the door. My name can be heard in the distant from my brother who is shouting but eh I just ignore it and began to walk to school.

"Look ! Its the slut." Laughs can be heard from the others. I just lower down my head,not really bothering to look up to face them.Within seconds, my body is being slam  to a nearby locker. I whined and moaned in pain. Tears were sliding down.

"Oh looks the bitch is crying. Ehh pathetic. No wonder no one wants her. Pathetic whore ! " he spat out. Its Grayson. Ethan just sat behind and watch everything with his trademark smirk. Then both of them started to kick and punch me. I just lay there weakly. Even if i try to fought back, I'll be dead the next day or moment. Laughs were echoing through the hallway. You must be wondering why i never told the teacher.

"You dare to tell anyone about this, you will be dead, Andrewson. Understand !" Ethan spat while tightening his grab on my hair. I nod vigorously, too scared to do anything.

Yeahhhh that happened. What a wonderful life,ayy !


A/N : sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes ! 😊

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