Chapter 8

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"Hey." I called out as I closed the door. Three pairs of eyes instantly looked at me. I stood there while awkwardly wave at them.

"Please sit down , Scarlettle." Alex muttered. My dad just stared blankly at the light blue wall of the living room. My uncle is just sitting on the couch with a poker face.

This is beyond awkward to be honest.

"Okayyyy. I'm just gonna head upstairs now." I said , breaking the unwanted awkward silence.

"Okay then. Just get down for dinner." Alex said.

"Who's cooking ?"


After Alex finished the conversation , I went upstairs to get a nice hot bath.

The next day

"Ethan ?" I question , as I got down to see him , sitting on the couch. Talking to my brother. He looked at me , smiling.

"What are you doing here ?" I asked.

"I thought we can hang out or something." He said quietly. I try to hold back my very very surprise face. Covering it with a genuine smile.

"I would love to."

"Be back by 7 , kiddo. Wanna stay for dinner , E ? " Alex asked. I kinda forget about his existence for awhile. Wait. Why is he so calm about this ? Isn't he supposed to be an overprotective brother ? What ?

"If it's not a burden , okay then. Leggo , missy." Ethan said.

"So what did ya do to my brother ? You cast a spell on him or something ? Where are we going ? Are you kidnapping me ?" I bombarded him with questions as soon as we start walking.

"Chill princess. No I didn't do anything and we are going to the park. Your brother is really happy that you are actually going out with someone." He explained with a little hint of sadness but he covered it quickly. Not gonna lie ,but I did blush when he called me princess.

"Oh okay then but you are buying me ice cream." I said while smiling mischievously at him.

"Anything you want,Scarlette." He said my full name which is a surprise.

As we reached the park , children's laughters fill the air , some parents are having a picnic happily. Seeing them happy makes me jealous. Wondering when will I have my own one.

"Pick a place. I'll buy the ice cream. What do you want ?" Ethan said making me snapped out of my la la land.

"I'll have cookies and cream with some chocolate chips sprinkles." I said.


I began to looked around for a place to sit. I fount this one spot under a shady tree and make my way there.

As I'm waiting for Ethan , I  saw a figure of man who is wearing a black leather jacket standing at the bridge in the distance. He looks like he is waiting for someone.

"Nice spot. Here's your ice cream. " Ethan's voice said , making me startled.

"Oh uh thanks." I said while taking the ice cream from him.

"Is that Grayson ?" I finally asked. I point towards where he is standing. Ethan identifies the figure before turns to me.

"Yeah , it's him." He muttered. I can sense a little of uneasiness from him.

I wanted to ask hom what's wrong when a little boy fell and Ethan when to help. Cooing some words , I can't help but

After the boy's mom comes and thanks Ethan for the help , he ran back here.

"That's nice of you." I said while finishing my last scoop of ice cream.

He chuckle and shrugged. After that, we just sat there , telling stories and watched the children play around.

"We should head back to the house. It's getting late.  Come on." He said. Since he  is already standing , I pulled myself from the ground.

"I'm lazy to walk. Piggy back ride ?" I gave him my famous puppy face.

"What are you ? 5 ?" He laughed a boyish laugh at me.

I pout and just stared at him intensely with my puppy face. He sighed and finally give in. Crouching on the ground , I  latch my arms around his neck. He rise up slowly and I let out a squeal.

"Don't make me fall. " I squeaked. We , I  mean Ethan began to make his way home.


"We're home." I shouted as we entered the house.

"Damn woman. We know you can shout. Just not at my ears please." Ethan winced. I muttered a story before welcoming myself on the floor back.

"Dinner's ready." Alex said from the kitchen. Both of us walked to the kitchen.

Ethan sit across from where I am sitting. My brother's famous seafood carbonara lying on the table , staring at my starving-looking eyes. I quickly scoop some before anyonr else colud.

"Chill,lil sis ! I make lots of that." My brother said while laughed at me. I could feel my cheeks burn up as Ethan chuckled at my attitude. I can't help it. My brother'd seafood carbonara is one of the best food in the world.

We all began eating. In silence but a comfortable one.

A/N : Hey peeps ! Sorry for not updating ! But I did warn u guys that this story updates really slow and im really really sorry about it. Anyways, sorry for the really short chapter.

P/S : sorry for any grammar mistakes and typos.

Peace ✌

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