Where ever you are (Luke Fan fiction)

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Hey guys this is my 2nd fan fiction its a Luke Hemming one hope you like it really heres how they first met :)


Jackie POV

I got in the car and saw my dad in the driver seat he looked at me and smiled cause his seeing me going to high school and his just proud that I made it okay yes,I'm new in London and its really not that cool here as people say it they say a lot of people fall in love here but I'm not gonna fall in love it's just that I know that I would hurt myself more by being with someone cause I can't be with someone cause I move a lot I had to move from California to London cause my dad found out I had a boyfriend and I had to break it up with him.

Anyways in London I really hope it's works here I hate that rule just because I'm rich doesn't mean I love living like one I don't have freedom I never go with friends cause of my dads rules I hate my dads rules if my mom were here she would take me out and we would still be in California but no he just wants us to stay here instead.

When we got to school I had to say my good byes to my dad

"Okay here Jackie do not get detention or do not do anything bad okay?" He said I looked at him

"Yes dad I understand bye dad I gotta go." I said and got down and he drove away I looked at the school and it was huge like it was a giant and I was a small bug where drama will hit me and I would upend up in Canada next.

I got in the halls and people were knowing other people while I just walk pass people and just look for the office so I can go to class

As just I was about to open the door someone took the door knob and opened the door for me he had blonde hair and cute dimples and beautiful green eyes he smiled as I got in I really don't know why but I just saw the counter and I saw the lady typing and I started to speak

"Um....Im kinda new here and I need my schedule for class?" I asked she looked at me and smiled

"Oh you must be Jackie Philips okay here you go your first class is Ms. Jones hope you like it here." She said I smiled and pulled up my bag and got out the door and everyone was gone except for the boy who opened the door for me

"Hi," he said in a cute British voice I looked at him and I was lost really I don't know where to go I was nervous cause his so cute okay I get nervous when cute guys talk to me

"h-hi um...D-do you know where's Ms. Jones class?" I asked in a nervous tone he smirked and took my schedule from me

"Oh, her she's my teacher too so maybe I can take you there." He said I looked at him and I smiled he smiled back and we started to walk down the halls

"So um...what's your name?" He asked in a jumpy way whiles his walking

"Jackie." I said playing its my fingers

"Oh well I'm Luke." He said I smiled and smirked I just really like it when he smirks he is really cute I only met hi now and I already think his cute dude I am so gonna move.

"Oh nice." I said making the conversation short.

Then we got to class and pretty much I was late with him

"Sorry I just wanted to know your name and that I do I was wondering if we could hang out sometimes?" He said I chuckled

"Sure." I said he smiled and we got in she was asleep and everyone was playing around I looked at him

"is it like this every day?" I said he looked at me

"Pretty much I'm sorry if its like this we can be so stupid in times but um...you can sit with me if its fine?"he asked I looked at him

"Oh sure no problem, where do you sit?" I asked he took me by the wrist and we were at the back of the class and he was right in from of me and I was behind him

"Like my back Jackie?" He asked I chuckled and he turned around

"I guess you do." He said I smiled and he smiled and turned around I looked around the class and it was pretty much not what I expect I was expecting me to be hurt or something but I found a cute boy who is my friend.


HEY guys this is a prologue please I hope you like it and vote if you want but if you do just press the star and I have votes for this fan FIC I will work hard on this one just please read my other one

"Bullied Love (Harry Styles)"

Thanks :)


Where ever you are (Luke Hemming) Book 1 √Where stories live. Discover now