Chapter 17

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Jackie POV

I got in and he smiled and he looked me and held my waist as we were in this empty house

"What do you wanna do?" he asked I smiled and decided to watch something

"How about a movie?" I asked he sighed I am confused what more does he want?

"Or what ever you wanna do." I said he smiled and looked at me

"Ive always wanted to feel how it is when you cuddle with someone." he said I smiled and looked at him

"Sure." I said he took me by the hand and we went up stairs and to his room he wasnt that messy and he was actually a simple boy room.

Then we went to bed and he layed down and hugged me so tight not really tight just like holding me

"I thought you said you wanted know how it feels to cuddle?" I asked he smiled and chuckled

"Well I wanted know how it felt to cuddle with you." he said I felt my face turning red he smiled and kissed my fore head and then I saw a picture with him and a girl?

"Whos that?" I asked he looked at the shelf and chuckled

"Thats my old  friend Anna she was just my friend dont worry." he said like I was gonna be jealous

"You think Im gonna get Jealous?" I asked he looked at me

"No well maybe cause the last time I told you I couldnt go to the party you cried cause I went with Alisha instead and you were mad at me." he said and his right I was jealous....I guess his right

"Well I wont get jealous..maybe if I see you with her like in a wat we are I dont know Luke something will happend." I said he stood up still holding me

"Boo please dont hurt yourself you already got in a car accident and I dont want anything to happend to you and remember that Im gonna love you forever I promise." he said I smiled and held me tighter I smiled as his arms were around me I felt so safe

"Well Okay I trust you." I said he smiled and we watched TV while his hands were around me I felt so Happy out of all of my relationships this will be my first Love I felt my eyes getting heavy.

"You tired?" he asked I looked at him

"No I can stay up dont worry." I lied he smiled and continued to watch then a yawn slipped off my mouth

"You are tired its fine you can sleep Ill still hold you and never let go off you." he said and I felt my eyes getting heavier

"Okay." I said and then his hand was on top of mine as he held it and he tilted his head to mine and I fell asleep slowly.

Luke POV

She looked beautiful sleeping Im not saying shes Hott shes Beautiful out of everything she means something to me I really dont wanna leave her it will hurt me if I leave her.

I was watching and then she was sleeping little snores escaped her lips it was so cute for a girl I slowly got out of the bed and I left her in the bed sleeping.

I got down stairs and went down stairs it was 12:45 AM and I needed something to drink and then I heard the door bell and I got to the front door I opend it and it was Anna.

"Hey Luke." she said I smiled cause I havent seen her in ages but I talked to her like 3 days ago in a phone

"Hey what you doing here?" I asked she smiled and sat in the couch her eyes were green and her red hair became brown I do not know how is that possiable but she was pretty and her body she got skinny not being mean

"Well I just wanted to visit my old friend and yoy changed you got hotter really you did." she said with very flirty eyes

"Um..Okay well how long were you in London?" I asked she smiled and got up and held me by the waist I looked at her and I remembered Jackie is upstairs

"Um....Anna what are you doing?" I asked taking her hands off mt waist she smiled

"I was just trying to see if you still like me." she said  I gave her a confused face

"Um...I dont and I think you should go cause my girlfriend is upstairs." I said making her leave but when she reached the door her lips hit mine and then I heard a loud gasp behind me and then she let go I turned around and it was Jackie...

"Jackie." I said she crossed her hands and went upstairs I looked at Anna and she gave a devious smile and left I ran upstairs and I saw Jackie crying

"Jackie look.Im-" just as I was about to say something shr cut me off

"I thought she was just a friend?" she said while crying I felt my heart breaking cause this is my second time she cried

"Jackie She is itd just that she kissed me and.." I hesatatied she looked at me and her tears were on hr face

"You know Luke..." she paused and left my home I chased after her as she was about to go

"Wait Jackie." I said and she let go of my grip and walked out the door and left me alone.

I bit lip and punched the wall I felt like I wanted to hug her and tell her how much Im sorry

But she just walked away I kicked the couch and fell on the couch and remembered how hurt Jackie was so sad her face was so lonley I didnt want Anna to do that to me I didnt want to hurt Jackie never did I want.

I got out the house and walked over to her house and I got in the gate and I walked up the steps and knocked on the door and Jenny Answred it

"Hey." I said glared at me and crossed her hands

"Look Im sorry I-" I was about to explian till she put her finger iny mouth causeing me to shut up

"She doesnt want to talk to you." she said

"Yeah But-" she cut me off

"But nothing just go home and come back tomorrow Luke Please I dont want to hurt you please go." she said and closed it ony face I looked down at the ground I didnt want to go home I want to say sorry to Jackie and Im going on tour for 6 months and I wont be able to see her and I dont her to be mad at me.

So decided I didnt want to wait I wanted to talk to her so Ill sleep in her steps until she comes out I saw he bench swing and layed down and it was really cold but I dont care Im waiting for Jackie and I want to say sorry how sorry I am and so Ill wait by sleeping by her door or I go to the door steps but the swing bench was swingy so I went to the steps inatead and I fell asleep thinking so much about Jackie.


Damn he must really Love her and I am Sooo Sorry for late late Late Updates cause Im busy Im drawing Reading a real Book and I just Im sorry but atleast I update Now :D


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