Chapter 7

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Alisha POV

I wanted to slap who ever she is cause she was just with my boyfriend and she didn't even brother slapping him in the face for me but just stood there and almost kissed her what a-a slut?!

"What are you doing here?" A familiar voice said to me

"Mike?!" I shouted and hugged him he hugged back

"Um....hey can we talk outside cause um...pretty much there is a lot of people here." I said he smiled and scratched behind his neck.

"Okay." He said and we got out and his smile turned into a frown I knew he was acting his such a sweet heart for watching on Luke for me he is little spy and now that I know Luke is up to he is with a girl I dont know and I am not happy.

"So whos the girl who has a crush on Luke?" I asked he looked at me and took his phone out

"Her." he said while holding his phone.

She had brunette hair and really hazle eyes and her hair was kinda layered with a tpuch of golden high lights.

"She looks to simple" I said trying not to be rude but really what does Luke see in her shes all ugly well I have a plan to break thier relationship of friendship.

Jackie POV

I am so dead I just saw Lukes "Girlfriend" and she was blonde and she was

"Alisha Mcdonalds" the best youtube singer ever I always loved her but hey shes with the boy I love and they are meant for each other and pretty much I need to stop going near Luke cause he almost kissed me today.

"Hey Jackie?!" Mike called behind me

"Oh hey." he said and hugged me

"So what happend to life?" I asked trying to take Luke of my mind

"Oh the normal being with friends studies,hey Um....I was wondering if you wanna go out for a movie tonight?" he asked while being a little nervous

why is he nervous does he like me? but what am I gonna say to him me and Luke have a hang out tonight but hey if Luke goes with Alisha somewhere I will go with Mike.

"Um....I dont know cause me and Luke are hanging out tonight." I said he sighed

"Well Luke did tell me something and he told me not to tell you." he said I looked at Mike and felt a heart beat rose

"What is it tell me Mike?" I asked being curious

he smirked and looked at me

"He said he had plans with Alisha and he said He never wants to talk to you cause you know Alisha." he said I looked at him and looked at the ground holding backs those tears

"Wait how do you know Alisha and Luke were together?" I asked confused he looked at me

"Well Luke told me thats why." he said I turned around and looked at Luke talking to Maggie

"Okay well just Um....text me and ill be out my house." I said he smiled and hugged me

"Thanks okay um.....see you tonight." he said and left I looked at Luke and then he started coming to me I didnt want to make him and his relatioship go down

cause of me.

"Jack-" I walked away rememebring what Mike said he just wants to speak to me cause he thinks were going to hang out tonight but Im gonna be with Mike tonight and Plus I dont know if Luke even Likes me.....

I walked put the doors and saw Jenny in the Car

"Hey Kiddo You going out tonight?" she asked as I got in I looked at her and sighed

"Jenny Im not in the Mood I have a date or a hang out With Mike Tonight Luke are friendship is over." I said hoping and wishing on what Im saying is right cause I need to face the facts that Luke Doesnt like me.

"What happend?" She asked and looked at me then the road

"Mike told me and yeah his gonna hang out with his girlfriend tonight." She stopped at the house and I got down and she got down with me she looked at me

"Look Jackie boys are like that sometimes when they love a girl they don't really mean it and if they don't wanna hang out with you and go for the girl then something is wrong with him." She said and got my bag and went in I felt my phone vibrate and I looked who was the message form

"Luke: Jackie.....are we still gonna go on please I'm sorry I don't know what happend to you I'm sorry for what ever I did which I don't know what I did but please forgive me I wanna know you more please."

I looked at Phone and sighed and I texted back

"Me: Luke look you didn't do anything I'm sorry I walked out on you like that but please the hang out is off I have other plans and you have plans with your girlfriend."

I send it and got on the house and before I got up stairs my phone vibrated I looked at it and it was Luke

"Luke: I don't have any plans with her and I have to tell you something go up to your room." He texted I got confused and got up and opened my window and I saw Luke outside it was hot and man it was hot and he was wearing black really wow

"LUKE WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I shouted he smiled looked at me


Hey um....really sorry late update really I'm sorry I didn't mean to but hey at least I tried my best to do this for you guys :) so hope you like and vote please I had to do a night for you guys ;)


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