forever in our hearts

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"The second you are born
you begin to die."
these words are not mine
but they left quite an impression
death is the only thing in life
which is inevitable for everyone
death doesn't care about age
it does not care about gender
or money, your intelligence
death doesn't even care
about the kindness of your heart.

when a loved one leaves us
it is always too early
it is always unfair,
why them?
but it is as it is
we may not like it
but we have to accept it
for what it is - definite.

when someone leaves us
our world stops turning
everything around us starts falling
a p a r t
the sun sets and it seems
as if it will never rise again.
but what we don't see in such dark times
is the light that is shining.
all we have to do is look out
for the small twinkling stars
which remind us of the presence
of the warm and shining sun.

when death takes a loved one home
we have two choices.
Choice one: we scream,
cry our hearts out until there is no tear left.
we get angry, at ourselves
at the world around us
and maybe even at one who left us.
we get angry at them for leaving
we start to let the anger and darkness
fill us up from deep within
we let it take control
destroy our lives and take our happiness.
but is this really what they would have wanted?
for us to never be happy again?
for us to throw away the life
that was taken from them?

So instead, we have a
second choice: we mourn them,
cry and miss them,
but after a few days
we get up again
we bury them, think about them
and keep them in our hearts forever,
cause that is where they belong,
just like they would have wanted.
It may not seem like it
but the world continues on spinning,
life goes on around us.
There is no rainbow without rain,
no light without darkness
no sun without shadows.
After every sunset there is a sunrise.
After every night, day follows.

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