Chapter 4 : Trying internet ideas

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Chapter 4


Riker POV

Band practice was dragging on and on. Not only did I feel tired and a little bit sick, but I also had to pee so bad from all that water I drank. It wasn't making me feel full. It was making me have to pee!

"Guys, how much longer until practice is over?" I asked, when we were between songs.

"Maybe another 20 minutes. Or when mom calls us for dinner," Rocky said.

I sighed. This is taking forever!

I wasn't really allowed to take a bathroom break unless it was an emergency. We had a set of rules that made it so we would have no interruptions. One of our other rules was no phones. That wasn't a problem for me though because dad still had my phone.

I kept watching the clock instead of paying attention. 

"Riker! Hello! You have a solo right there!" Ross said, annoyed.

Everyone was staring at me. I was frozen in embarrassment.

"Sorry... I just-"

"You're not paying attention!" Ross said.

"I'm sorry."

I tried focusing myself on the music again. But really the only 2 things I could think about were my next strategy to lose weight, and the fact that I really needed to pee.

Finally practice was over. I ran out of the basement faster than anyone. Mom called us for dinner, but I wasn't joining them. I ran upstairs, and into the bathroom.

I quickly relieved myself, and then went to my room. I shut the door, and went on my laptop to look for other ways to lose weight. The water way is fine. I just have to do it when I have easy access to a bathroom. 

After a half hour of research, I learned I should avoid sugar, drink tea, eat less, eat slower, get a good night's sleep, and exercise. 

So... I'm making sure I go to bed early tonight. And before bed, I'll have some tea. Hopefully it'll help with my hunger. I'm so hungry right now. I had cereal this morning, but that was ages ago.

I'm still new at this. So... I'm going to have just a little something to eat. It won't hurt, right? I need to eat to stay alive, so I'm supposed to eat. 

I was trying to talk myself into eating. I know it's important. But I just wanted to lose weight. 

I slowly went downstairs. Everyone had finished dinner, and were doing their own things now. I went to the kitchen, and started looking for a snack.

"There's some leftovers in the fridge if you want," mom said.

"Thanks," I said, giving her a smile.

I opened the fridge. They'd had soup for dinner. Does that have a lot of calories? I don't know. I'm new at this...

But it can't have that many, right? It's like half water, which has no calories.

I talked myself into it, and got a small bowl of soup. I ate it quickly, and I felt so much better.

I went back upstairs, lost in thought. Maybe this is what my new diet should be. Have a tiny breakfast and a tiny dinner. Sounds good to me.

I decided to go weigh myself. That seems like an obvious thing to do. I need to keep track of myself. 

I went into the bathroom, and got on the scale. I was 155 pounds. I feel like that's a lot...

But now I know my starting place. And I can set goals. Although I don't know what goal I should set for myself...

I'll think about it...

I went to my bedroom. I was exhausted. But I didn't really even do much today. Maybe it's because I barely ate.

Maybe my body will get used to it.


Riker POV

I drank some tea before bed. It had honey in it because I really like honey. It was really good, and I felt less hungry, so maybe there's some truth to the whole drinking water thing.

I thought everything was going good. Except I couldn't fall asleep.

It was past midnight now, and I was tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. I felt so frustrated with myself. I need to get a good night's sleep to lose weight! That's what the internet said!

I was really hungry. My stomach was growling about an hour ago. But now I was starving.

I hugged my pillow, trying to ignore the feeling. But it seemed like it was the only thing I could focus on.

I'm so hungry.

I squeezed my eyes shut, and tensed up my body, thinking maybe I could tire my muscles out or something. 

But I just couldn't fall asleep with an empty stomach.

Maybe a tiny snack wouldn't hurt.

I slowly got out of bed, trying to be quiet. I crept downstairs to the kitchen, and got some soup out of the fridge. I had a small bowl of it, and when I was done, I put away my dishes.

I snuck back upstairs, and climbed into bed. And finally, I was able to fall asleep.

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