Chapter 4

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Sorry It took so long to get this updated


I woke to feel something warm hugging my back. I tried to turn over but the warm thing hugged even harder. I decided to stay still until the thing moved. Ten minuets later I heard an alarm go off and the warm thing moved. I turned over to realize that Adrien was in bed with me!I had forgotten that me and Adrien had to share a bed last night.When he turn over I quickly turn back over so it would look like I was still asleep. He came over and said to me "Good morning princess"and at those word my head shot up and his head went down and then that is when it happened, me and Adrien kissed!!


Iwoke up to the alarm going off and realized that I was huggingMarinette. I went to go turn off the alarm and then went to go wakeup Marinette. "Good morning princess" I have no idea why I calledher princess. Just then her head shout up and my head fell down andthat next thing I know we were kissing and I was blushing reallyhard. I may have just realized that I have a crush on Marinette!


Meanwhile Adrien were blushing so hard that we descried to wait until wewere calm and not still blushing before we go down stairs tobreakfast. When we went down stairs me and Adrien met Alya and Ninoat their table. When we got their we saw Them laughing and looking atAlya's phone. "What are you laughing at" I asked and she said"Look for your self". I took the phone out of Alya's phone andlooked at a picture that was on the screen and my face turned red. Ican't believe that the warm thing hugging this morning was Adrien."Whats wrong" asked Adrien. I handed him the phone and he turnjust as red as I was. When he handed the phone back to Alya sheasked" What took you guys so long to get down here." That's whenme and Adrien stared to blush again and by the look of Alya's faceshe know something happened." Spill" and that's when Adrienblurred out "WE KISSED ALRIGHT" that's when Alya said "Whatreally, I can't believe this" With that the teacher walked and saidthat we were going to go take a tour of the city.


 Wehave finally found her. "Set up an attack in the city"???????said "Yes sir"

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