Chapter 2 New Best Friend

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*Kai's POV*

Matt and I were walking around the park and found the swings. Us being the big toddlers we are went to go swing on them.

M= Matthew K= Kai

K: So, how is the school?

M: Their great. So your a surfer?

K: Best 14 year old in Hawaii! How did you know?

M: I saw you on a magazine cover a few times, maybe one day you can teach me?

K: Sure!

M: Can I show you something? I dont really show people, but I feel close to you.

K: Sure, and I feel the same way.

Matt took his board and I followed. After a while we stopped at this really pretty feild. It was covered in flowers.

"Wow Matt this place is beautiful." I dropped my board, and started walking into the field.

"Yeah, I come here a lot just to think, or something." He walked next me nervously. 

"Its so pretty especially since the sun is setting. But, since its getting dark we should get going. I start walking to where we dropped our boards.

When we got back home we exchanged phone numbers and started walking away.

"Hey! I guess you didnt do to bad on your first day here. I mean you have a new best friend and a cool hiding place right?" I turned around.

"Yeah, I do dont I!"

[2 Years later]

I wake up at 6:30 on a Saturday morning (I know crazy right) I get dressed and do my hair. I head downstairs without making a sound.  I grab my board and head out the door. Being Matt's best friend, of course I have a key to his house. I unlock the front door, and slowy tiptoe up the stairs. I find matt's room and go inside.

"Matt Wake up its your 16th birthday!!!!!" At that moment I jumped on him bed.

"Jokes on you sucka!!!! I was already awake!" I could tell he was lying.

"1st of all you never wake up this early on a Saturday morning. 2nd you still have sleep in the corners of your eyes. Should I go on?" I was standing up with a hand on my hip.

"No, you caught me." he got out of bed.

"So, what are we doing today?


Omg you guys are soooo nice! The comments you leave and everything are sooooo insipiring?! So heres another chapter for you guys! Tell me what you guys think!


Furthest Thing From Perfect ~Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now