My Savior

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Dakotas POV

I woke up to my dad splashing a freezing cold bucket of water on me!

"GET YOUR ASS UP!" my dad yelled

"O-okay" I studded. I got up hesitantly and he watched my every move. I grabbed my clothes and grabbed my under garments. I was about to walk to the bathroom when my dad asked something

"Were do you think your going missy?"

"To ch-ang-ge" I replied scared

"No, you can change in front of me! NOW!" he yelled. Eyeing me.

"Bu-t dad. I-I nee-d to ha-ve priv-act" I insisted.

"Well this is now your privacy!" He replied with a smirk

"No" I stated staring him down


"I said no!" I said a little louder. I'm done. I'm not doing this anymore!

"Stay here!" he said while running downstairs. I looked out my window and saw Niall! OMG! I ran over tryin to shut the blinds

"C'mon! close!" I whispered/yelled. I heard loud foot steps. I was rushing to shut them but they were stuck! just my luck!

"Wht do you think your doing!"

"N-nothin" I replied. He walked towards me and saw Niall. He smirked and opened up the window. Wtf is he doing!

"Hey you fag! Y r u eyeing this slut!" he yelled to him. he grabbed my arm and punched me in my gut. I whimpered and stumbled.

"DONT YOU DARE HURT HER!" Niall yelled.

"Dad! cl-ose th-e blind-s. I don't wan-t him to se-e me l-ike thi- this." I whimpered. He grabbed my neck and brought me to my feet and punched my face. I liked over too see niall wasn't there anymore. LORD HELP!

Niall's POV

I can't see her like this anymore! I'm gonna save her! I ran out of my bedroom and to her house as fasts as I could. I kicked the door down. And heard yelling and crying. I ran up there faster than I ever thought I could! I kicked with all my force on her door and saw her dad FUCKING CUTTING HER WITH A KNIFE!

I ran up to him and kicked his face. And then grabbed him and punched him repeatedly. Once I though he was unconscious I held Dakoa so tight. I couldn't help but feel we were made for eachother. Then her dad got up and grabbed me an punched my face. I stumbled back and fell on the floor. He was hurting Dakota again. But then she did something I never thought she would do

Dakotas POV

I have had it!

"STOP DAD! IM SICK OF YOU HURTING ME!" I yelled and kicked him in the nuts really hard. He grunted. I knew one thing that might bring him to his senses. I started to sing, Demi Lovato , For The Love Of Your Daughter. (Play song)

"Four years old with my back to the door

All I could hear was the family war

Your selfish hands always expecting more

Am I your child or just a charity award?

You have a hollowed out heart

But it's heavy in your chest

I try so hard to fight it but it's hopeless

Hopeless, you're hopeless

Oh, father, please, father

I'd love to leave you alone

But I can't let you go

Oh, father, please, father

Put the bottle down

For the love of a daughter


It's been five years since we've spoken last

And you can't take back

What we never had

Oh, I can be manipulated

Only so many times,

Before even "I love you"

Starts to sound like a lie

You have a hollowed out heart

But it's heavy in your chest

I try so hard to fight it but it's hopeless

Hopeless, you're hopeless

Oh, father, please, father

I'd love to leave you alone

But I can't let you go

Oh, father, please, father

Put the bottle down

For the love of a daughter

Don't you remember I'm your baby girl?

How could you push me out of your world,

Lied to your flesh and your blood,

Put your hands on the ones that you swore you loved?

Don't you remember I'm your baby girl?

How could you throw me right out of your world?

So young when the pain had begun

Now forever afraid of being loved

Oh, father, please, father

I'd love to leave you alone

But I can't let you go

Oh, father, please, father

Oh, father, please, father

Put the bottle down

For the love of a daughter

For the love of a daughter"

When I finished he had a guilty look in his eyes for a second. But then it changed to pure hatred!

Before he could do anything Niall grabbed my arm and and made me let him carry me. He ran to his house faster then I could say a simple 'thank you'

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