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     Why are your hands like oceans? Pushing me out and pulling me back in. It's scary, but fascinating. The way you move surprises me and is always never focused.

     Dan wakes up to the sun blinding him through his window, he moves his hands through his soft hair and sits up tiredly. He throws on a cotton t-shirt and walks out of his room.

     Dan rubs his eyes and yawns obviously feeling fatigue. It's probably because he stayed up to the early hours in the morning. Dan walks to the bathroom and looks into the mirror, his dark circles make him look like a raccoon. He chuckles to himself and goes to find food for breakfast.

     He settles on plain cereal and caramel flavored coffee. As he feasts on his small meal he has poetic thoughts bouncing through his head that can be used in his paper that he is writing.

     Although, he doesn't really know what it all means, he just likes to use metaphors that he could someday use in a literate sense. Dan soon finishes he meal and goes to see if his roommate Phil is awake. They were going to plan to go on an adventure today.

     Dan knocks on the door quietly. "Phil are you awake?" He says through the door. "Almost." Phil mumbles groggily and chuckles to himself.

     "Okay, remember we have an adventure planed today!" Dan exclaims.

     Phil opens his door and stares at him. "I know, I know. You are up already?" He states.

"Yeah I just love going on adventures!" Dan smiles warmly. "Woah that sounded to cheery for you dan, are you okay? Phil jokes. Dan laughs a little "Yeah I just love actually doing something instead of being in the house all day I guess." Dan shrugs and walks away to his bedroom where throws on a black hoodie and black skinny jeans.

     Dan hears Phil's door squeak open. Ugh old door Dan thinks to himself. He walks to the door, for there he awaits on today's adventure.

    A/N: just another short chapter from a girl who keeps procrastinating this story oops.

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