A Touch of Evil Part 2

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Since Betty and Veronica had cheerleading practice after school, Alex had made it her mission to figure out what was going on with Jughead. She had gone by the Drive In but the doors were all locked and since he wasn't at the school or Pops she had lost all hope. It was just after sunset when she walked down her own block towards her house only to see Jughead and Archie standing in front of the house.

It was clear to anyone that the way Jughead was speaking he was clearly angry, but when Alex heard mention of Ms. Grundie she stopped dead in her tracks.

She heard Archie say, "If you tell anyone." but it was far to late for that.

"Wow Archie." Alex said causing both boys to look her way. Jughead looked anxious but Archie looked panicked the instant they made eye contact. "I knew you were a lady killer but your own teacher? Is this where you were last night when you came back through my window?"

"Okay I know this looks ba-"

"Archie! Are you kidding me? This is illegal!" Alex spat as she got closer to her brother. "My whole life I've looked up to you. You had the perfect life, the perfect friends, everything you ever wanted was in the palm of your hands. But this is disgusting." She turned around and ran down the road hearing her brother call after her.

Alex had run for a few blocks and only slowed when she reached the blinding neon lights of Pops Chock Lit shop. Once I found a booth and asked Pops himself for some onion rings and a chocolate shake I pulled out my phone and called Veronica.

"Alex? What's up?"

"Can you meet me at Pops?" Alex asked between heavy breaths. "I need someone to talk to and your the only person I trust right now."

"Of course. I'll be there as quick as I can. Should I bring Kevin?"

"Yeah. That would be great. I'll see you in a few." She hung up and put the phone face down on the vinyl table top avoiding any further confrontation with her brother or sort of best friend. When Pops placed her order down she asked for a double chocolate shake knowing Veronicas order by now.

"Alex thank god!" Veronica said as she walked through the door sitting across from her in the bright red booth and Kevin pushing in beside Alex. "What happened? You look wrecked."

"Just what every girl want to hear." Alex spoke softly as she looked at the dress and thought about how great she looked just a few hours earlier. Barely catching the reflection of her messy hair in the clear windows she looked up at her friends. "Archie messed up guys, and I mean bad. Like I can't even look him in the face and I may have to drop a class."

"Wait, did he kill a teacher? Because I'm pretty sure that old history teacher had a heart attack." Said Kevin as he ate the other half of an onion ring.

"No Kevin he didn't kill anyone. Well, as far as I know."

"So what did he do?" Ronnie asked as Pops placed her fresh shake down.

"Thats the problem. I don't know. I heard Jughead talking to him in front of my house about how he was doing something with Ms. Grundie and Archie was threatening him not to tell anyone. I got to the house just in time to catch the end but something is up and its more than some tutoring."

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