Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill! Part Three

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I was sitting in the gym later that day when a very angry Veronica stormed in. I tried to put my coffee down before she sat on the couch but wasn't quick enough as she slammed herself down causing the coffee to go all over my jeans. "Shit Ronnie!" I put the rest of the cup down and started cringing as I felt the hot drink seeping through the fabric.

"I'm so sorry! I was just mad and I'm not thinking straight! Let me grab some napkins." She stood back up and grabbed a pile of napkins from a table near the vending machine and starting patting down my pants. "God I'm such an idiot."

"Don't worry about it. I was gonna leave campus after next period anyway."

"I might just have to go with you. Your brother is the biggest idiot on the planet."

"Who did he kiss now? Cause if it was Betty it was probably her fault."

"I wish it was that simple. I tried to be nice and offer to help him out at the variety show so he wouldn't be so nervous and he went ahead and got Valerie to help him. I don't know what's going on but he just ditched me. To top it off there'd something I have to tell you."

"How bad could it be?"

"My mom and your dad kissed."

"Ronnie I know that's horrible for all of us, or it's supposed to be, but they're all adults and they all know the consequences of their actions. And even if they get together for real we end up sisters and that's one less person my brother can date that I'm friends with."

"I guess you're right, but what do I do about Archie now?"

"Why not get back at them both. Get with another group, be better, show them up." Archie had traded people out enough in his life it was about time he got a taste of his own medicine. "What about Josie? I guess with Valerie helping him out they're down a member anyway."

"Has anyone ever told you how smart you are?" She asks as we stand and leave the bleachers. "I think that may just be the smartest thing you've said since we've met."

"Thank you?" We walked through the corridors forgetting the plan to go home and found our way towards the music room where Melody and Josie were.

With a poster in hand and a smile on her face the two turned around to Veronica. "Your search for a Pussycat is over. I can sing and I have a lot of aggression that needs channeling into something positive."

"And what about you Alex? We only have room for one more."

"I can take nice pictures and put you on your own spread in the yearbook if you give Ronnie the spot. I am the head staff member." They turned towards each other with matching smirks before hanging Veronica a set of cat ears and the three began to strut out of the room and down the hallway past an unsuspecting Archie and Valerie.


Later that night I sat with Veronica in a booth at Pops deciding not to go with my dad and Archie to dinner at Hermione's apartment. "So what did happen earlier at the table? You never told me." She asked as we shared a basket of fries.

"Well turns out Archie doesn't believe Betty about me."

"How did you figure that out? Did your brother finally grow some balls and confront you?"

"As if, you've met my brother. I was sitting out there and they all sat down around me so I put my headphones in. Kept the volume off and listened to the whole thing."

"And none of them realized?"

"Betty looked suspicious the whole time but they never realized I was listening."

"How did you manage that?"

"I'm a sneak and was in the right place at the right time. I just can't believe some of the stuff they were saying. Did I come up at all when you and Kev sat down?" I asked as I ate some more fries.

"Just the usual asking if we've heard anything new from you. I didn't say anything but I still think you should talk to your brother. You can't avoid him forever." I thought it over just like I did every time she brought it up. Maybe now that I knew he would take my side in all this I could tell him. "Alex I just don't want you to be here sad and alone when you have so many people who love and believe you. You just have to talk to them."

"I know Ronnie, I think I'm gonna talk to him tonight. What's Betty gonna do to stop us in my own house? You know what I don't wanna know." I ate the last two fries from the basket and got up from the red booth. "Thanks for this. I missed hanging out with someone in public."


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