The Body Double Part One

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"You should probably go to class now since being anywhere out of place could put you further up on the list for suspects." Jughead says as I shove my textbooks into my locker. "You know people already think being friends with me makes you more suspicious."

"Jug, we both know I never even gave Jason Blossom a second glance so me killing him wouldn't make any sense." Both of us ignored the bell as we stood at my locker laughing at the thought I finally shoved the large history book into the back of the metal slot and felt my whole head get pulled forward with it. "Uh, I may need some help here."

He turned to see a lock of my ginger hair tucked between two of the books. "I swear only you could get yourself caught locked into this." As he reached over to detangle my mess we almost didn't notice Sheriff Keller walk by with the Principal. "Do you think this means Cheryl confessed?"

"I think it means we're gonna have a lot more trouble getting answers if a certain Blossom family gets further involved."

"Well it is their son who got murdered." I said as I felt the last hair come loose. "What if Jason wasn't even supposed to get killed? What if they were looking for someone else?"

"Are you saying this was a hitman?"

"I'm saying we both know another male ginger in this town and both of them played Football and have similar features. I hate to say this because after all Archie is my own brother, but what if they wanted him instead?"

For a moment it was silent as Jughead thought over the idea I had just presented. "Look as much as I'd like to say that's plausible if Cheryl really did confess than she knows exactly what happened that day. Someone needs to get on her good side and figure out what's going on."

"Well have fun with that I'll be here talking to the sane people who didn't possibly murder their own brother." I tried to walk away but was pulled back. "No Jughead I do a lot for you but I refuse to spend a minute of my free time with Cheryl Blossom. She wouldn't be caught dead with me anyway."

"Alex you know she won't even breathe the same air as me, but maybe if you convince her that you want to change for a boy or something then she'll take you under her wing." For a moment, nothing in that sentence mattered besides the words 'for a boy'. It's almost as if the past few days between Jug and I didn't even happen and he didn't even realize I had feelings for him. I thought after that night at the football game we understood our feelings.

"Jug, I thought I had the guy I wanted but I guess that isn't true. I won't stoop to her level of boy crazy bitch just for a few answers. Call me when you're feeling like yourself again because the Jughead Jones I know would never offer his friends up just to solve a case."

Leaving him alone at the lockers I walked straight out of the hall, straight off campus, and straight to the one place no one would ever find me. Sweetwater River.

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