Chapter 17

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On Saturday night Katie walked into the football house, which she'd learned Nick rented along with Irish, Cooper, and another senior, Marco Fontaine.

The scene was vastly different than the one from the previous night. On Friday she had arrived after a spaghetti dinner carb loading session for the offensive starters. She'd sat with her brother and his friends on the couch, watching TV until it had been time for everyone to head out and make their curfew. With Saturday's game behind the team, and another "W" in the win column, it appeared the Carson crew was cutting loose with half of the adoring fans on campus.

The lights were low and the music was... definitely not. Bodies and beer were sloshing in rhythmic undulations to the low throb of a bass line.

"Are we in a bad movie," Tessa shouted into her ear.

Feeling as though dozens of jealous, hungry-for-her-man eyes had suddenly landed on her, Katie turned and leaned in close to her friend. "It feels like it. Is it just me, or are half the girls here suddenly sizing me trying to find me inferior.

Tessa only hesitated for a moment—long enough to scope out the crowd. "You're not wrong," she said bluntly. "But you're also not inferior. Let's go." She wrapped a hand around Katie's wrist and took the lead, pulling her past the curious eyes.

They were greeted by familiar faces with much friendlier eyes in the kitchen. Her brother and his teammates raised their cups in salute as Katie and Tessa cleared the doorframe. Katie accepted a cup from Brady and tapped against the one in his hand. "Cheers, big brother. You did great day."

Brady tipped back his drink, then wrapped his free arm around his sister's waist. He squeezed and hefted her off the ground, howling in victory. "Wooooo, yeah!" the team joined in his primitive battle cry. Katie tried to hide her face with her cup, not liking being a head above the chanting, testosterone and beef-fueled mass of muscles. She was used to being center of attention in a much more controlled crowd. The past few Saturday nights of pull-up contest hadn't prepared her for a crowd like this one.

Nick was there to intercept her when Brady finally put her down. He placed his hands on her hips and stepped in close, dropping his head down close to hers so he could speak in her ear without shouting over everyone. "You and me are on a team tonight. We'll take another "W" for today, then we're heading to your place."

Katie tilted her head back to look at him, smacking her head into her brother's shoulder as she did. The quarters were more than close. It was only partway through the season; she shuddered to imagine the parties later in the season for the playoffs and, fingers crossed, the championship. Angling away from her brother so she could look up at Nick, Katie curled a hand behind his neck and pulled. His eyes went wide for a moment, until she brought her lips close to his ear. "Are you sure you want to go? This is your place. Won't your roommates and team want you around?"

"Nah. They'll be cool. We put in our appearance, let the masses post some pics, then we're out. We don't wanna be here when things get sloppy and people are outta control. Irish and Marco'll keep everyone in line well enough."

"'Kay." Katie let her hand slide from behind his neck and dropped a soft kiss on his cheek before walking off to join Brady and Tessa in a game of quarters. The weekly pull-up ritual started a few minutes later. Katie was last on her team, following just after Nick. As she completed her final pull-up he stepped close to her, so they were nearly nose-to-nose as she hung from the bar.

"Good job, baby," he said loud enough for the crowd to hear them. He leaned in closer his mouth brushing her cheek as he whispered "wrap your legs around my waist." She did as instructed and he dropped his hands to support under her ass. Her hands fell away from the bar as she gave him her body weight. He took two steps back and paused in the middle of the kitchen, flashing a cocky grin just before dropping his head and planting a slow, languid kiss on her mouth, his tongue lightly but insistently asking for entry. Katie felt her lips quirk upward in an amused grin as she let him in. Around them the team "oooohed" and clapped, some calling for them to get a room. Over the ruckus Katie heard her brother gagging good naturedly.

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