Chapter 7

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**Liz's POV**

I looked over silently and saw Seth wrap his arms around Ali, protecting her. I could see the anger laced in his look, angered by the fact anyone could even think of hurting her. Ali has always been the sweetest girl, I don't understand how anyone could do something like that to her. You could still see the marks on her wrists and the puffiness under her eyes when she continued quietly crying, even though when we would look she would put on a brave face. I hate myself for what happened, after all, it's my fault. I begged her to go to that stupid party because I didn't want to go alone. I shouldn't have brought her to that party and I shouldn't have left her alone. As I watched Seth falling asleep while holding her, I couldn't help but to cry. I'm the world's worst friend.

**Ali's POV**
I awoke to the sound of soft sniffling and a feeling of intense heat which I could tell was from Seth. He was never cold. I looked over at Liz and saw her crying. Gently I removed Seth's arms from me, being careful not to wake him, and moved to sit next to Liz, putting a hand on her shoulder. She jumped, startled that she had not seen me moving towards her.
"Sorry," I apologized sheepishly, "what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"It's my fault," Elizabeth choked out through her tears. "All of this is my fault. If I hadn't begged you to go to that stupid party-"

"No no no," I interrupted her. "None of this is your fault. You didn't know Jacob was going to do that. No one did. And you didn't force me to go, I chose by my own free will to go with you. You can't blame yourself for this. The only one to blame here is Jacob, because had it not been for him, we would have had a fun night."

She nodded quietly, as if not quite believing me. I stood up and reached a hand to her. "Come on," I said. "Let's get you cleaned up."

She took my hand and stood up, and I led her to the bathroom. I had her sit, and wiped away a few more stray tears that I noticed falling. Finally, she spoke. "You didn't deserve that Alice." Her voice was broken sounding, and she had a hard time getting the words out.

"No one does Liz. But unfortunately, there are people out there who do that stuff a lot. We just have to be more careful." I stated as I washed away the tears from her cheeks.

We shared a smile, that is until we heard things being knocked over in the other room, which startled us, and was then followed by a string of profanity from Seth's mouth. Elizabeth and I giggled until I heard Seth yelling my name. I quickly walked back into the main room where he was frantically looking around.

"Seth, relax." I tried to soothe him. As soon as I spoke his head turned to face me so fast I'm surprised he didn't have whiplash. Seth rushed towards me, causing me to step back a little in fear of being knocked over, but he ignored it as he wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"Don't disappear on me like that. I was worried you left the house." He tightened his grip.

"Seth.... can't... breathe..." I choked out as I tried to push him away. He quickly released me a little, which allowed me to let out a sigh of relief and breathe again.

"Sorry." He muttered and stroked my hair. I only smiled and shook my head in response.

----- Monday Morning -----

"Are you sure you're ready? You can always just come back tomorrow after I beat the sh*t out of Jacob." Seth offered.

"Yes, I'm sure. I hid out all weekend. And you already beat him. There's no more need for violence." I informed Seth, hoping to sway him from attacking him upon first glance. He merely groaned a yes as a response, and Liz squeezed my hand in reassurance. "Just, don't leave me, please." I looked at Seth pleadingly since the majority of our classes are together. He nodded and stood a little closer next to me as we walked into school together.

Immediately our eyes went to the popular crowd, where Lola was with Jacob. And boy, Jacob did not look the same. His forehead had a small gash where some stitches were placed, surrounded by a light purple and blue bruise. His lip was cut as well. Under both eyes there was a dark purple color, and a bandage over his bruised, I'm assuming broken, nose. Lola merely gave me a glare and gently kissed Jacob's cheek and Seth gave them an evil glare back. I reached for his hand and squeezed it, as the reminder to stay away from violence and keep walking; this made him look down at me and our eyes seemed to lock. He then nodded, and I was proud of him when he walked away from the tension without hesitation.

**Seth's POV**
I looked at Jacob's ugly-*ss busted up face, almost disappointed in myself. I could've done a lot worse; as a matter of fact, I should've after what he did to Ali. But as I glared them down, daring them to make a rude remark, I felt Ali's small and gentle hand slip into mine. I felt sparks, and this caused me to look down at her. Her stunning eyes locked with mine and all that anger just seemed to fade away. I quickly snapped out of the trance she had me in and continued walking with her. How strange.

So here's the update. I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise with it but I had a massive case of writers block and fell down a dark hole. But spring break is coming up for me and I don't really have any plans so hopefully I will remember to update for you guys. Again, I'm really sorry. I'm really disappointed in myself for not updating and letting you guys down. I understand that some of you guys left, and for those who have stayed, I hope you can forgive me.

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