When I Arrived At School...

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When I got to school the next morning I felt so tired.I hadnt slept at all last night.I washed my face in the restroom and walked down to my locker.Someone came and grabbed me by my waist and almost lifted me up.It was Harry.He looked down, his face close to mine.

"So where were we last night?"

I had never thought he could be so ...... lets call it flirty.His lips had reached my cheek and edging to my lips.

"Not here"

I led him into the janitors closet about 10 feet away.Nothing dodgy.I am only 15 you know.Just a private moment with NO interuptions.He kissed me and I kissed back.I had to stand on my tiptoes to reach, he saw I has struggling and lifted me up like I was a giant doll my legs wraped around him.We kissed -now with no height barrier-  a lot.But nothing else.I liked that.Even though he was 16 and Id be 16 in 3 weeks I wasnt one of those girls who jumped into bed with anyone.

The bell rang and ruined our magical moment.He let me down and I walked to Science, he came out a bit after me and walked to his class too.

I walked into the lab.Jack was there.I did NOT want to sit by him.What if he knew about me and Harry.He was so unpredictable.It was like he had eyes and ears everywhere! I sat down anyway.Mr.Clarke walked in seconds after I took my seat.I didnt know what to say.Should I talk to him or just wait untill he spoke.I was always nervous with Jack.Feeling uncomfortable and weird, kind of like wearing an old, itchy coat.After 15 minutes of awkwardness he finally spoke.

'So you were with Oliver last night?'

'Yeah, he just came round to watch a show, he left after about 3 hours.'

'You dont have to defend yourself'

After that last word, I didnt know what to say, so I thought it would be best to say nothing.

Mr.Clarke gave a lecture about, in his words "what an excellent creation" the human body was.It felt like he was going on for HOURS.Finally the lesson had ended.I walked to the canteen.Abbey was nowhere.I got a bagel and a hot chocolate.I walked over to the basketball pitch where I could get some peace and quite.I heard voices.It was Jack. I ran to what I thought was the girls locker room.I saw old jerseys and no volleyball shorts.I was in the BOYS locker room.

A 15 Year Old Girls Diary*ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now