A (really) Short Prologue

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*Dipper POV*

Aaaaah, summer break, a time for leisure, recreation and takin her easy. Unless you're me.

My name is Dipper, the nerdy old man who appears to be interrogating me is my Grunkle Ford. You may be wondering why I'm in the basement of the Mystery Shack, tied to a chair, avoiding questions being shot at me, and having a torch shine into my eyes. Rest assured, there's a perfectly logical explanation.

It all started at night, when I was asleep. I was dreaming my usual dreams, until a big bowl of Doritos appeared in front of me. Then each one slowly started to grow an eye. I saw them all connect into one massive triangular figure which screamed, "Did you miss me, Pine Tree?" I woke up, screaming and drenched in sweat. But this was only the beginning.

**** The first chapter may be up... I have no idea when but it will be longer and the tense will change from this flashback-y thing. It will be a continuation of the same flash back, but as it's happening! ( I can't explain anything!) Either way, enjoy reading this (or don't, I don't know your opinion) The video was made by Knitting Giant Beanies on YouTube, it has no purpose exept for the fact it makes people happy, check her out if you want! Bye or whatever!****

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