Chapter 13

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Our plan now was to stand our ground. Well, by that I meant we were going to camp outside the Mystery Shack until we knew what was going on inside it. They sky was orange- another day coming to an end. I watched as the fireflies began to take flight and light up the almost dark atmosphere. If Stanley was here, he would of thought of some weird tourist attraction based on these creatures. Maybe he would then paint them. Even that twisted idea of entertainment would be better than knowing he was gone as well. Mabel was at my side, sleeping and dreaming. Somethings I think that I would actually enjoy being Bill. As crazy as it sounds I love the idea of seeing people hopes and dreams. Though I probably would keep them like that- just hopes and dreams. At a glance, I could see Mabel's be breath quicken as she began to mumble coherently. A nightmare. But to me, there wasn't a clear difference between a nightmare and a daymare. I hadn't noticed but I had started to stroke her hair. Surprisingly, she began to calm down and enjoy whatever haven she pleased inside her subconscious. It was a shame that I couldn't join her.


I was surrounded by beautiful rainbows which danced around my vision. Joy was at every angle. I walked up to a huge candy floss tree and ripped a branch off. The branch turned rainbow too. What colour should I choose? Who cares! I'll just eat the whole thing! And that's what I did. The taste off chocolate, blueberries, strawberries and everything in between exploded in my mouth. It all tasted amazing, until the taste went off. I began to gag but no matter what I did the taste didn't go away. The rainbows began to get covered by cloud, the darkness closing in on me. I began to blink as a storm of sherbet began. But with every blink, my vision was accompanied by a silhouette of the Cipher Wheel. I didn't know what to do. As quickly as it started, it ended- Bill's smile left my mind, leaving me to dream on. All signs of darkness had reverted back to their shiny, sparkly selves. This time, I imagined everything I could ever dream of. Who knew when I would be able to have a dream as nice as this again?


I opened my eyes, only to be blinded by an amalgamation of light. I must've woken up from some sort of dreamless sleep. I softly nudged the sleeping Mabel beside me. No reaction. I began to shove her a bit, "Pssst, Mabel. Wake up." Her eyes shot open.
"AAAH! DA BUNNIES ARE DED! Wait, what do you want?"
"Mabel, it's time to get up. We've stayed here long enough. We need to get to work in order to save Dipper and Stanley from whatever fate they have in store." I said in a more frantic and quickened tone. Mabel nodded, as she flicked her hair from her face, revealing her face. I looked into all of our bags for anything weapony. When I had found what i was looking for, I began to rid the bags of any useless objects. We were going to need to pack lightly. Mabel did the same thing with her stuff. I watched as she packed some glitter and gave her a look. She got the idea and threw it at a tree, causing an explosion of glitter. Even I had to admit it looked nice. Now, we had to prepare for the worst, and head into the shack.

****Welp, I'm bad at writing now. Probably because I'm listening to a song about butts. I'll give you a link to the song and the original video. It'll distract you from this bad story.****

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