Chapter 9

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He'd finally shut up and fell asleep. I needed to make the most of this time so I set up a motion sensor to wake me up if there's any motion. Obviously. As I nodded off, I couldn't help but think you can't fool... me... anymore... ya triangle....

The endless void engulfed me as I was sent rocketing head first into what I could only assume was a nightmare. Suddenly, a beam of light shone over a figure in the distance. I could see that whoever it was had been chained up to a wall. I had to help them, I dashed over there but instantaneously froze when I saw the figures sunken face. "Well, well, well. If it isn't my little Fordsy. I see you've found us." A shrill voice said as it shook the entire ground. It was still dark but I could clearly note that Dipper wasn't the only one who was chained up. Bill was in some sort of human form. Rusty shackles slithered up from his feet to the tip of his fingers. Following the chain further, I saw how it was similarly attached to Dipper too.

I was dumbfounded. Lost for words. This was extremely familiar. Oh yes, I had seen this before in another dimension. Some sort of Beach Town, place, thing. But that didn't matter at the moment. "Maybe I could get him to fight back? Did I say out loud?" "Quit playing dumb, IQ. We're in your mind. We know what you are thinking. Which also adds to what ever you have thought in you entire life. Even in that Do-Over dimension." And just like that, Bill walked up to Dipper, clicked his fingers to diminish the light, and made him scream.

I woke up, still hunched over my desk but now with a pen in my hand. Without thinking, my eyes darted to the sheet of paper beside me. He made me write this in my sleep. It read like so:

P.S: You weren't the only one
to have a nightmare tonight.
Also, I got rid of your brother,
if temporarily

Looks like I'm in for a long, tiring, night.

**** Sorry it's really short. After all I did get up a 4 am to get on a plane to Belfast. Then at 2:00 get on another plane to Glasgow. Only to find out that the bus to take us back to Newcastle was running an hour late. We got home at around 11:30 pm. So that explains it. I also have a packet of Taytos (an Ireland exclusive brand of crisps) to prove it. And thanks to everybody who is actually reading this. I mean, 280 reads!? Enjoy life, BYEEEE!****

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