Chapter 6

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We opened the door and quietly walked inside. As soon as I could see Dipper completely, that was when I ran for the shortest distance ever recorded. I mean, I almost face planted the floor. Then I heard that familiar laugh, and new everything was back to normal.

"Hey, Dipper, how're you doing?", I tried. I figured that it would be a failed attempt, he just turned around. For a moment I swear I could see a flash of yellow in his eyes, but I dismissed that thought. I managed to have a closer look at him. His face looked tired, and he was covered in small, sharp cuts, just like the ones on his arms. Whatever had happened during the last few days must've been hard for him.

Before long, we were told to leave, and it was all over.

**One week later because I have no idea how to fill this boring space. Dipper is back at the Mystery Shack**


Everything was back to normal, or as normal as it was before. Ford has been working on something in the basement again, and Stan has been booking lots of 'Family Fun Days'. That can only cause disasters. I walk to the gift shop, where I find Stan guiding some tourists around the Shack. Seems like the old Sascrotch was fixed up because everybody felt the need to pay £40 (I don't care for American dollars, deal with it) for a picture with it.

"Grunkle Stan! I'm going out for a while. I'll be back soon," I shout. I got an instant reply: "Ok sweetie," and then under his breath he muttered, " at least someone is giving a heads up." I ran into the forest, leaving behind Stan, Ford and Dipper in the Shack, and sat down on a fallen tree. The very same tree that almost killed me and Dipper on our first day in Gravity Falls. It was time I relaxed for a while.


I was scared. Scared of what my family would think. Scared of the past. The future. And most of all, I was scared of myself. Recently I've been doing things, things I probably shouldn't be doing. There's only one thing to blame and that's Bill. He's been begging me to make deals with him, and constantly reminding me of deals I'd already made. Now that I'm back at the Mystery Shack, I've been able to read the Journal again. I swear I once tried to burn it. Maybe I should just give up and let Bill do whatever he wants to do. Even if that means people get hurt. Even Mabel's been avoiding me so who cares anyways?

**** I literally don't know what to do now. I know I'm going to bring it toward the prologue but what to do Inbetween eludes me, just like the infinite horizon. Ideas would be much appreciated. Sorry this is only 444 words long (yeah, you never know. The next word count might be 618, who knows.) And 155 reads! Thank you, danke schön, gracias, other word for thank you. Hope you're enjoying this! Bye!!!****

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