Switch a n*gga out part 1

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"Cuz you'll lie to my face and then you'll say that, even Jesus forgave. Then we'll drive to your place and you'll love make love to me, while we're listening to blonde by Frank, mmm. Put on that Godspeed, like you a God send. And ill bask in every moment" I sung along to radio as I stopped at a red light. I was so close to the chick-fil-a I could damn near taste it. I was so hungry.

I stuffed a few fries in my mouth as I looked through the bag. I moaned thanking God for this food. I snapped back into reality as I parked my car. It amazed me every time I made it home safely while I be stuck in my head. Seeing my moms car parked in the drive way made me crack a smile. "Fucking finally" I said slamming the door behind me.

"Hey ma!" I screamed as I walked into the house. As expected, the smell of Paella filled my nose.

"Hey baby, i'm in the kitchen!" She yelled back. I walked in the kitchen dropping my bag down on the counter. I wrapped my hands around her as she stood over the stove. I peaked over her shoulder to see what she was cooking

"Baby where the hell is your brother? I haven't seen him since I got home" She questioned me as she stirred the rice.

"You won't. He be spending all his freetime with Cherish. If he not at the studio, he at her house. I get he in love but damn" I said rolling my eyes. I love Cherish down but damn can I have my brother back.

"Mm, okay. Yall all around here falling in love huh" She looked over at me with a smirk "Kilo up there in your room"

I rolled my eyes and gave her a look. She laughed before swatting at me with a spatula "Girl, get out my kitchen. Vamos a salir"

I ducked as I laughed my way out the kitchen. My smile dropped when I seen Kilo sitting on my bed with a goofy ass grin.

"What bro?" I asked with much attitude

"Nigga? Marie dont fucking play with me where you been?" Kilo questioned me. I nervously started to organize my perfume and lotion bottles on my vanity.

"I been around Ki. You know we have these things called phones. This could've been an email" I was still focusing all my attention on my vanity

"I miss you mamas. I needed to see you"  Kilo tugged on my hand spinning me around before planting a kiss on my lips. I knew I would've folded if I kissed him any longer.  I liked Terrell. Hell, I was damn near in love with him but its only so many times you think you was gonna play with me. This man was not dumb, if you wanna be with somebody you gone be with them.

"Terell get off of me please" I said pushing him back. I stood in my closet looking around "I dont know what you told my mom but Im sorry to waste your time. I'm about to leave back out"

He sucked his teeth and followed me into my closet. The longer he stood there quiet the faster my heart started racing. I felt like I was getting in trouble by the principal.

His face held no emotion as he looked at me. His eyes followed my every move "Where we going?" I looked back at him in dismay. I slid past him and sat my outfit out on my bed

"Well, I'm going out with a friend"

"Friend as in your going out with a nigga" He told me rather than asking

"I mean something like that" I said mumbled.

"You must be fucking crazy. Thats what you do now? Going out with other niggas? Let me guess Justin? You really going out in these little ass shorts?" He held up my shorts looking at them crazy.

"I must be fucking crazy?" I stopped in my tracks to look at him. The nerve of his ass to not only come to my house but sit there and act like he wasn't doing what he was doing.

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