Changing The Game: Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

Dream Hacks


"OH MY GOSH," we all say. Ariana faints from the pain. Beast just made a bandage out of the same stuff he made Aria's cast out of. We throw a Splash Potion of Strength on Ariana. The pain goes away, but the cut just won't close no matter how many healing potions we give her. This was obviously the work of the hacker...and I hate to say it, but I think Ariana is his first target.


We eventually all end up going to sleep after Ariana is okay.

"'Night, guys," yells Aria from across the hall. "Sweet dreams."

"Night," Beast and I yell back.

But my dreams are anything but sweet.

In my dream, I wake up in a very dark obsidian room. I draw my sword.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I shout. Then some glowstone lamps snap on above me in the ceiling. Standing in front of me is a tall blonde boy, wearing a red t-shirt and jeans. He has a diamond sword like mine at his waist, but his has another material mixed in. This weird material is bright red. The boy doesn't see me, because he has his back to me. He's talking to someone.

"Hello? Who are you?"

The boy quickly turns around to face me...and his eyes are ALL RED.

"Hello...I've been expecting you," he says creepily. I pull my sword and back farther away from him. He pulls his diamond-and-something sword out and teleports right in front of me. Oh, so he can freaking teleport, too? Huh. He tries to stab me. I quickly jump to the left and jab at his ribs. His sword deflects mine out of my hands. He holds out his hand, and I can't breathe. Suddenly I am closer to him.

"Nowhere is safe," he says shrewdly.


He runs his sword through my gut. I black out.

When I come to, I'm standing on a cliff. My gut throbs with pain from where Nick stabbed me. I turn around, and I stare right into all-white eyes. Clearly Herobrine. Aria and Ariana said they had killed him...did he come back somehow?! Before I can ask any questions, Herobrine starts talking. It seems to be a riddle.

"Nowhere is safe.

Nowhere is safe.

Against the clock, it's a race.

Nowhere is safe.

Be careful that you do not misplace.

Nowhere is safe.

An old friend, a new friend, who both turn out to be foes.

Nowhere is safe.

But in the end, you must not go.

Nowhere is safe.

Nowhere is safe."

My mind scrambles to decipher the meaning of this riddle. I'm about to ask what it means when Herobrine shoves me off the cliff. I black out again before I hit the ground below. But before I wake up, I see something flash before my eyes.

It's three players, standing united.

One is Nick_Keller02.

One is Herobrine.

But the third...

Is Thepro716.

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