Another Case

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The next day, Jessica came back to my office with a wide smile on her face. I took this as good news.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Garcia has agreed to let me help her with the next case." she said. "And Unit Chief Hotchner wants to take on the case I picked out! He says I'm a natural!"

"That's great, Jess!" I said. "Um, is there a briefing?"

"Oh right. Yeah. Everyone in the Conference Room. The briefing will begin in ten." she said. I gave her a thumbs up and she gave me one in return before taking off.

I got up and walked to the Conference Room. Everyone was already beginning to arrive. Spencer sat across the table from me. When I seen him, I ran my fingers over the hickey he had pointed out to me earlier. He chuckled and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"What's that about?" Sara asked.

"None of your business." I replied. Sara rolled her eyes and I chuckled.

"Everything, this is Jessica. She is an intern from the FBI academy. She will be giving the briefings from now on and will be tailing Garcia for a bit." Uncle Aaron said, gesturing to Jessica who was standing at the front of the room.

"Thank you, sir." she said. "This is my first time giving a briefing, so bare with me here."

She clicked a button on the remote a few times and four pictures popped up on the screen. Two of two tanned girls and two of the girls dead.

"There have been a string of murders in Georgia. This first of which was one Demitri Garcia, aged 16 and from Latino decent. The second was Kylie Delarosa, age 17 from Italian decent." she began. "Both Demitri and Kylie were last seen at their school. When they didn't return home, their families believed they were at a friends house. When they could not find the girls, they went out searching. Both girls were found in an ally way not too far from the school."

"They all look about the same." said Derek. "Medium sized. Not too tall, yet not too short. Not thin, yet not fat. Long brown hair and brown eyes. Tanned skin."

"And they're both teens." added Alex. "And from South Europe. Maybe this is a hate crime. Someone targeting South Europeans because of their culture."

"That's the thing." Jessica said. "Both girls were born in America, making them certified Americans. Their only from Latino and Italian decent because their parents immigrated here just before they were born."

"Hate crime against their parents?" I suggested.

"Maybe." Uncle Aaron said. "From the looks of the pictures, there is a lot of rage towards them. Maybe our UnSub is an immigrant themselves who have been treated poorly and is taking it out on the girls from South European decent."

"This case is causing a lot of controversy in Georgia. The media have already gotten a hold of the information and have named him the Immigrate Killer." Jessica added. "They're saying it's all about racism."

"Wheels up in 30." Uncle Aaron decided as he closed his case file and everyone began to leave.

I got up and gave a very happy Jessica a high five.

"That was great. You're a born natural." I told her.

"Thanks." she replied. "But I was so nervous. I was shaking. Unit Chief Hotchner can be very intimidating."

"He has emotions, he just doesn't like to show them."

"I've noticed." she chuckled. "You may wanna get going. You don't wanna miss the jet. Also, you may wanna get some cover up on that bruise on your neck. At least, I hope it's a bruise."

"Reiders said it wasn't noticeable!" I said and went to the door. Jessica laughed. "See you when we get back."

"See you when you get back."


"Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it." - Mark Twain



Okay, a few questions.

1. What do you think is gonna happen?

2. Who do you think is sending those threatening messages to Mel and Reid?

3. Do you think Mel is gonna take the job is Philadelphia?

4. Do you like Jessica? She's based off of a Wattpader who asked to be in the story. I think she's pretty cool.

Answer in the comments, if you wish. The next chapter will be up ASAP.

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