Chapter one...

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I'm deaf.

There's nothing more to it.

I'm deaf... audibly impaired...

Everyone asks how I'm doing but no one ever really cares. They ask so they don't seem like they are being rude.

Like how when someone dies and everyone feels sorry for their family even though they hardly knew the person.

I started life with my hearing, but we were in a car accident. My parents, Brother and I, we were all fine but shortly after returning home I began to not hear my parents calling me or I would miss messages and phone calls because I didn't hear it. Mum took me back to the hospital when I almost got hit by a car... I hadn't heard the car horn or my desperate mother calling my name.

We spent an hour there and they told me I had anacusis, just a fancy term for being deaf.

I miss it... I miss my mother's soothing voice, my dad's rough but caring tone, my brother terrible shower singing even the neighbours could hear. I miss hearing Angel's bark, waking me up in the mornings.

I just miss it.

The music I used to listen to, the vinyl records sat on top of the record player, collecting dust. I remember being told I have a beautiful singing voice, funny how I didn't listen to it enough.

So here I am sat in my Literature class, reading Romeo and Juliet, wondering when the next sympathetic glance will come my way.

I look up when I feel eyes on me, glancing to the teacher who is stood by the phone. I begin to gather my stuff up quickly, I step towards the front when the door opens and she places the phone back on the wall.

The police... oh god...

I look to them.

"Joshua Crane?" I read the big ones lips.

I nodded, he took off his hat.

"There has been an accident, your parents have died." He looked to me sadly. I drop my stuff, undoubtedly gasps fill the room but are never to be heard by me.

I raised a hand to my face to wipe the tears cascading down my cheeks, my brother bursts through the two officers and stares at me.

"Come on." he whispers and takes my hand. Tears falling down both of our faces we leave for the police car, the officers standing waiting for us. I once again wipe my eyes with my free hand as we sit in the back of the car.

"I'm sorry." I whisper hoarsely, my voice is weak and rough as I haven't used it much since then.

"Don't." Henry says, taking my face between his hands. "It's just us now, we need to be there for each other yeah?" I nod and he releases my face to pull me into a hug. My tears soaking his shirt as his drop onto my shoulder, we sit like that until reaching the hospital.

We stood for 20 minutes, staring at the two beds in front of us both. I lightly step towards one and move the deadly white cloth from the body, my mother... her face bruised and cut up, but it's her.

Henry steps to the other bed and removes the sheet, revealing our father his face swollen and red.

I replace the sheet and step away, falling into a chair beside the body. Her hand falls from beneath the cover, cold and pale; I reach my own towards it and lightly grasp it. It feels just as it looks, cold, pale and dead.

I hate it.


The chapters will probably be short for a while as the story starts.

This is the only story on my account that won't be fanfic.

Vote, comment and stuff because I'm needy and will probably delete this after a while...

ok bye now

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