4. car trouble

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"Psychotic about most things aside from looks and exercise

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"Psychotic about most things aside from looks and exercise..." I ponder to myself, placing my pen absentmindedly in my mouth as I give a pacing, anxious-looking Harry a once over from the couch.

His hands are in his hair, pulling harshly while he closes his eyes, the muscles under his sleeves convulsing as he appears lost somewhere in his mind, stepping out of the kitchen.

Shrugging in conclusion, I place a check mark next to that bullet point on the list Harry's therapist gave to me a couple of days ago. Since then, I've silently observed Harry to narrow down if I can see these traits too, which got easier when that same day he actually had a normal conversation with me, the kind that is a little awkward when you two don't really know enough about each other and are trying to learn. He and I went out for lunch— a civilized, knifeless meal where we talked. We didn't argue, but had a decent time getting along, and slowly are getting to know each other, while I'm slowly getting through this list. However, he's being careful and guarded, so it's hard when you're the only one doing the talking.

Today, this is the first one I've checked off because he oddly hasn't spoken to me since I arrived an hour ago right at noon, not too early for him.

I've gone through a few of these so far since I received it, a few of them needing more time to uncover. It's just so hard to focus on the list, because I don't want to make it obvious. This job has turned into a psychological endeavor, so I have to try and get him to feel somewhat comfortable with me, which with a man like him is a challenge.

Although, lately I've been seeing a different side of Harry, a weirder side, that is making it even harder. I'm not one to judge...

Doesn't mean I won't though.

Already, I have narrowed down that Harry is needlessly vindictive, that he clearly hides a lot of information, and yesterday, I discovered that he is surprisingly outgoing in a terrifying sort of way when he dragged me out to let him finally get his groceries.

We went to the mini-mart close by since my car was running out of gas due to the fact that he lives so far away from society. He was sick of being trapped at home with me, and I knew that part of this case was to try and make him feel normal, so I followed his request to go out for a while.

It was when we were checking out, after he spent most of the trip chatting women up and checking them out, that he greeted the elderly cashier woman with a cheeky smile and some of the lamest dad jokes I've ever heard.

The woman wasn't having it at first, probably because she saw the news report about him on the TV, or maybe she was just not having a good day, but he was very polite, so much so that she gave him a smile and bagged his items while they shared a small conversation. I felt like I was with a whole other person.

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