dark red and orange leaves fall alongside us. we lay on our backs in your backyard, our parents watching us silently, thinking we're the clueless ones. the light blue sky with it's cotton candy clouds pass by quickly, representing our youth.
days pass. weeks. months. years. our withered hands intertwine. i look into your old intelligent eyes that have witnessed so much and smile. your short grayish white hair shifts as you turn to look at me.
birds from a nearby tree sing quietly as we fall into a deep trance, observing everything around us. you spot the swing we had our first kiss on, oh so long ago. i spot the tree you climbed to try and impress me but fell off of, and how i ever since that day, i was always there to catch you. you identify the pool we skinny dipped in without your parents knowing in the middle of the night after prom. i identify the green grass in which we promised to love each other till the day we died. we both remember the ceremony.
simple, small, just like you had wanted. the white blossoms. your long white dress. our parents crying rivers, knowing they'd have to let go of us soon. our eyes slowly shut.
your shaky hands grasp mine even harder than they had before. silent tears fall from our eyes, down our cheeks, and into the withered weed in which we were wedded. i steal a furtive glance at you, knowing i couldn't bear to pass without seeing your beauty once more. you do the same, as our old gray eyes silence.